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Hunk sat alone in his dorm room with Pidge. Pidge had moved in after...after Lance was taken.

"Pidge, where are you going?" Hunk asked as he saw Pidge creep towards the door. "Its lights out."

"Heh," Pidge smirked. "Come with me and find out!"

"But Pidge-"

Pidge was already sneaking through the hallways.



Hunk found Pidge up on top of the roof, with weird technology.

"Pidge what is all this?" Hunk asked.

"Its some stuff I built," Pidge shrugged.

"You built all this?!"



"Enough about that, I've got to tell you something!" Pidge said.

"What?" Hunk responded.

"I've been using this to scan out beyond the Milky way. To find out about the crew of the Kurberos mission. Because guess what?"


"Because they were abducted by aliens. And I've been picking up alien radio chatter forever now. I believe they are called Galra-"

"DID YOU SAY GALRA?!!!!" Hunk gasped.

"Huh? What? How do you know about them?"

"Wait Pidge, has no one told you what happened here?" Hunk asked.

"No?! Tell me!"

"Pidge, the Galra Aliens came to the garrison. They kidnapped my best friend Lance! Where did the aliens say they were?"

Suddenly, there was a crash...



Hunk and Keith laid Takashi Shirogane on the couch.

"I'm so glad he's ok," Keith breathed out a sigh of relief.

"He was talking about the galra, do you know anything about it?" Hunk asked.

"I just thought he was going crazy," Keith said.

"No he wasn't!" Hunk cried. "The galra are real and kidnapped my best friend ages ago!"

"Wait, that Lance kid? I heard about him going missing but-"

"The garrison are liars," Hunk said. "And will do anything to protect their image."

"Guys!" Pidge called. "He's waking up!"

"OH GO NO!" Shiro screamed as he sat bolt upright.

"Shrio Shiro calm down," Keith pushed him back down softly. "You're safe."

"Uhhhh, what happened?" Shiro groaned.

"Well what do you remember?" Hunk asked. "About the galra? WHAT DO YOU REMEMBER ABOUT GALRA?!

"Its all foggy..."

"Aw no!" Hunk cried. "This was the closest I've ever gotten and now its gone!"

"Wait! Stop everyone quiet!" Shiro cried as he held his head. Suddenly he screamed.

"Shrio?! What's wrong?!" Keith cried.

"Oh god it all just came back to me. The galra...everything..."

"Well? SPIT IT OUT!!!" Hunk cried.

"They're...horrible monsters! They cut off my arm, made slaves out of everyone that wasn't galra. Destroyed worlds..."




wHaT was going on?!!!!!!!! One minute they're in a cave, the next they've discovered an alien lion robot and are FLYING IN SPACE!!!!

"Oh god where is this thing taking us?!" Pidge cried.

"I don't know, but this lion seems to know more than we do," Shiro said. "I say we trust it."

"We kinda don't have a choice!" Keith shouted.

They all screamed as the Lon entered a mysterious wormhole..


They arrived at a huge castle. After wandering around it for a while, they discovered a dark room.

"Where are we?" Pidge asked as he started looking around.

Suddenly, strange pods arose from the floor. One opened up and a beautiful girl fell out. Keith ran and caught her.

"Where am I?" the girl asked, dazed.

"I dunno," Keith shrugged.

"Wait, WHO ARE YOU?!" the girl gasped.


(TIME SKIP: AFTER THE WHOLE " I am alura princess of altea" monologue)

"Wait, so we fight the galra?" Hunk asked.

"Yes, but we must find the blue paladin." Alurra explained.

"Yeah but until then, we fight the galra? And do rescue missions and stuff?"

"I suppose so?"


"Hunk how is that great?" Pidge asked.

"Lance is probably being held captive! This is our chance to find him!"

"Who is this, LOnce? Alurra asked.

"He was best friend back home! A while back the galra came, grabbed him, then left! This our chance to-"

"Hunk, I believe we must find the blue paladin first if we wish to find your friend."

Hunk nodded sadly.

"I understand," he said. "But can we still look when we have time?"

"Of course. We will not rest until we find your friend."

Otherworldly (Lancelot soulmate au)Where stories live. Discover now