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The paladins sat Hunk down in the chair.

"You've betrayed us Hunk." Alurra said.

Hunk tried to escape. "Let me go! This isn't what I signed up for!"

"Yeah, uh, this is getting out of hand!" Pidge cried. "You can't keep doing this whenever someone disagrees with you!"

"Silence, or you shall be next!" Alurra sneered.

"LET ME GO! THIS IS MADNESS!" Hunk screamed.


"Alurra please, you have to let him go!" Keith cried.

He looked over at Hunk, with the helmet slowly brainwashing him to do who knows what.

"Please...just not him!" Keith cried.


Hunk started to breath quickly and struggle.

"Hunk no!" Keith cried and ran to him. But Shiro and Corran held him back.

"No stop! Let him go, he doesn't deserve this!!" Keith squirmed in their grip.

"Keith, this is for the best..." Shiro tried to calm him down.

"This isn't ok! Not for Lance, not for Hunk, Not for anyone!" Keith screeched.

"Yeah! This isn't ok Alurra! Let Hunk out!" PIdge stomped her foot.

"Too bad, he's done." Alurra said, as the helmet rose from Hunk's face.

Hunk had a serious expression and his back was hunched over.

"Hunk...?" Keith's voice was just above a whsiper.

"Hunk, go train." Alurra scoffed.

"Yes ma'am." Hunk stood up and marched away with a blank but serious expression on his face.

"What did you do?" Shiro asked.

"I realized giving Lance free will is what gave him the ability to change back." Alurra said. "Hunk however will not abandon us."


Keith watched him. All he did was train. All day, All night, with only short breaks given by Alurra.

It hurt.

It hurt so much to watch.

To watch the one he loved more than anything suffer like this.

"Hey Hunk..." Keith slowly waded into the training room.

Hunk didn't stop.

"Uh, end training sequence!" Keith called out.

"What do you want?" Hunk asked. His voice was not longer friendly. It was sharp and demanding.

"I just...wanted to see how your doing?"Keith asked.

"I'm doing as told."

"I know but-"

"Then why did you ask?" Hunk glared at Keith.


"I need to get back to training.Leave."

Keith just stood there in shock.

"NOW." Hunk raised his voice.

Keith teared up and ran out of the room.


Keith ran around the corner, where he stopped himself to hyperventilate. Pidge turned the corner and saw him.

"Keith! Keith! Keith calm down.." she took his hands. "Breathe Keith..Breathe..."

Keith calmed down after a few minutes.

"He's not the same..." Keith cried. "He's not...Hicc!" Keith started to cry.

"I know..." Pidge said, breathing heavily as if she were about to cry as well. "I know...but we can't do anything..."

"Why..." Keith whimpered. "Why him?" 

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