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Lotor sat Lance down in the common room. He and the generals sat across from him.

"What's going on?" Lance asked.

"Lance," Lotor said. "You've been with us, with me, for a while now. You deserve to know what the galra are."

"Ok Lotor," Lance said cally. "I trust you."

"Lance, the galra are vile." Lotor said. "We stray from tradition and my father, but the Galra are enslaving the universe quintet by quintet. We are forced by birth to be a part of this race, but every day we try to do more good than bad. And now, we have a prime chance to do that."

"Ok..." Lance said. "What is it?"

"There was a legendary defender of the universe called Voltron, generations ago. It has come to our attention that it has arisen once again. This is our chance to side with them and save the universe from my father!"

"Lotor that's great!" Lance cheered. "When do we meet them?"

"Soon my love," Lotor kissed Lanc;e wrist, a cute little tradition for them. "Soon."


Lance and Lotor walked through the halls of the ship. Their ship. Laughing at something one of the guards had said.

"I'm just so excited!" Lance squealed. "To meet new aliens! To help save the universe! To-"

"Calm down beloved," Lotor chuckled. "We haven't even found them yet!"

"Yeah but you will soon!"

"Until then, what do you wish to do my love?"

Lance cheekily put a finger on his chin, pretending to think. Lotor already knew what Lance loved to do with him most.

"You know what I want." Lance winked.

"To the star room then," Lotor smiled.


Lance and Lotor arrived to the star room. A huge room that's entire ceiling was glass, so you could see the stars from every angle.

In the middle there was a large puffy beanbag, where Lotor and Lance would cuddle, talk, and just enjoy each other's presence.

Lance flopped down on it and reached out for lotor to join him.

Lotor chuckled and climbed on with him.

"Oh look!" Lance smiled. "There's a new set of stars!"

"Where?" Lotor asked.

"Right there! Those are in a different pattern than the ones yesterday! We must be traveling really fast!"

Suddenly Lance looked glum.

"What's wrong darling?" Lotor asked.

"I just miss home, As far as they know, I just was straight up kidnapped," Lance said.

"I am so sorry about that again-"

"Lotor, we've been over this! I forgive you, and there's nothing we can do about it now."

"Lance, what do the new patch of stars look like?" Ltoro asked.

Lotor knew this always made Lance feel better. Making what he called "Constellations" out of the stars.

Lance chuckled. "It looks like a dolphin!" Lance smiled really wide.

"What's a dolphin?" Lotor asked.

"It's an animal on Earth. It's a mammal, but it lives in the ocean like fish. I got to swim with some once. It was so cool!"

This is what Lotor Loved most in his life. These little moments with Lance. When they would babble on each other about the smallest things that seemed to mean the most to them.


Lance sat on Lotor's lap on his throne. They were on the bridge, approaching Voltron's castle ship.

"EEEH!" Lance squealed as he squeezed Lotor slightly. "Lotor I'm so excited!!"

"As I am!" Lotor smiled. "We now have a chance against my father!"

"Lotor, we are approaching the ship." Acxa said. "Are you ready to hail them?"

Lance looked at Lotor and he nodded.

"Negin the transmission." Lotor said.



"They aren't picking me up?" Ezor asked.

"But we're so close to them! They've had to have noticed us!" Zethrid bellowed.

"Lotor?" Lance looked at his lover.

Lotor looked very disterbed.

"Lotor's they're turning towards us!" Acxa cried.

Lotor perked up for a split second before the side of their ship was hit.

"THEY'RE ATTACKING!" Ezor screamed.

The lions were coming out of the castle and starting an attack

"What?! But we haven't done anything!" Zethrid yelled.

"We are galra. That's all they see..." Lotor said.

"A threat."

Otherworldly (Lancelot soulmate au)Where stories live. Discover now