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Team Voltron-well everyone except the blue paladin-was on the bridge. Suddenly ,the raiders went off and a call was coming through.

"Alurra! There's a galra ship! Its trying to contact us." Corran said.

Alurra looked closely at the contact. She stayed silent.

"Alurra it's a very small ship," Shiro said. "Maybe we should-"

"Attack." Alurra said.


"Attack it! Its too close!"

"But the call! Shouldn't we-"

"ATTACK IT!" Alurra cried.

As the paladins rushed to their lions, Alurra kept staring at the contact.

"Alurra, who's ship is that." Corran demanded.

"You know who's."

"Alurra, it's been 10 thousend years! He could've changed in this time! And he hadn't attacked-"

"I refuse to allow that man close to the new paladins! We must strike first!" Alurra stormed away.

"I won't let Lotor hurt them"

Otherworldly (Lancelot soulmate au)Where stories live. Discover now