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Lance could feel it. The roar.

It was mysterious, compelling, cold.

Lance started to run. He did not know where he was going, he just had to follow the roar. He could faintly hear the running footsteps behind him, but didn't pay anymind.

He had to follow it.

The roar.

The roar.

The roar.

Suddenly, Lance found himself in a chamber almost identical to the one he was in, but except for a green lion, there was a blue one.

"My paladin, at last you have arrived,"

Lance gasped at the Blue lion.

"I-It talks!" he gasped.

"Excuse you, I'm not an it! I am a she!"

"I'm losing it. Wh-What...ROBOTS CAN'T TALK!!"

"Its you!"

Lance spun around to see Alurra beaming with happiness. "You are the blue paladin! We have been searching everywhere for you! You are here! You can finally help us defeat Lotor!"

"Wh-WHAT?! No! Never!" Lance screamed. "I will never side with you! And I will never help you defeat my soulmate!"

The lion roared again.

"Screw you!" Lance said. "I am not going to piolet you! EVER!"

"Lance you have to!" Keith said.

"SUCK. MY. D-"


"-DAMMIT!" Lance screamed as he pulled on the bars of the cell.

The team Voltron had thrown him in the cell, telling him to behave until the preparations were complete.

What was that supposed to mean?!

Lance didn't want to stick around to find out.

But pulling with all his effort and the bars still not moving, it seemed he wouldn't have a choice.

Lance slid down to the ground.

"Lotor...where are you?" Lane sighed to himself. "Please come soon..."


Lance awoke to the sound of the bars being opened. He shot his head up to see all the team Voltron smiling at him. All except Hunk.

Something was up.

Shiro grabbed Lance's arm and started dragging him up the stairs.

"Where are you taking me! Let go!" Lance squirmed and shreiked.

"Don't worry Lance!" Pidge said happily. "You'll be one of us soon!"


Lance was strapped into a chair. She tried as he might, but couldn't break free.

"Guys! This is insane! This isn't what Voltron is about!" Hunk cried.

"Voltron is about saving the universe. If this is what we must do..." Alurra put a pair of glasses down on Lance's face.

"So be it."

She pressed the on button.


Dark. Everything was dark. Where was he?

Glowing balls of light filled with memories rushed past him. SOme glowed a calming color, others a dangerous red.

Lance was confused. Very confused.

Lance reached out for a memory. It was of him and Lotor laughing together. He reached out to grab it, but was met with a painful shock.

"OW!" Lance cried.

He looked over at a red memory. This was an image of him laughing with team Voltron. He didn't remember this...

He grabbed it, and it absorbed into him...

Oh yeah! He remembered that! Pidge had told a joke and they were all having a hoot!

He gathered more and more memories. He was scared of the ones with that one guy in it. The guy with long hair.

It hurt to touch those ones...


Lance's eyes shot open and he breathed heavily. He looked up at his team.

His wonderful team. They all looked curiously at him. Lance looked at Hunk, who looked worried.

"Hunk, buddy, you ok?" Lance asked his best friend.

"Y-Yeah!" Hunk smiled.

"Uh, what happened?" Lance asked. "Last I remember we were in battle against Zarkon...."

"You got head damage, but not not worry!" Alurra smiled helping him out of the chair. "We fixed you up!"

"Oh, cool!" Lance smiled.

"So Lance, you ready to help us beat the next enemy, Lotor?"

"You know it!" Lance cheered.

Otherworldly (Lancelot soulmate au)Where stories live. Discover now