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Lance could feel the ship moving quite fast. Not fast enough to make him hold on to anything. But definitely fast enough for him to notice the very abrupt stop.

Lance stepped out of his room and alarms started to blare.

What's going on? Lance thought.

Lance quickly walked to the bridge when suddenly a laser came up from the floor! It made a giant whole in the floor. Lance shrieked and backed up as the vacuum of space started to pull him.

"HELP!" Lance cried. "HEEEELP! LOTOR-"

Suddenly, a green helmet popped up from the hole.

With a human face!

"Oh my god...!" the two said in unison.


"Oh my god..." the person said. "Shiro! I think this is Lance!"

"What?!" another head popped up. This one with a black helmet.

"Screw this mission, we need to get him back to the castle ship!"

....Castle ship...


"No! Don't take me anywhere!!" Lance yelled as they grabbed his feet and dragged him in the hole. He held his breath at the cold vacuum of space.

Suddenly he felt warm. They were in a green ship.

"Oh my goodness, we're so sorry we took so long to rescue you!" The black helmet one said.

"Rescue me?! What are you talking about? about?! YOU JUST KIDNAPPED ME!!!" Lance yelled.

"No, Lance, the galra did that back on earth! Didn't they?" the green helmet asked.

How do you know that?!" Lance yelled as he grabbed the green one;s collar.

The black one ripped him off of her and tied his hands together.

"We'll explain everything once we get to the castle!" he said.



Hunk stepped down from his lion. He took off his helmet and whipped sweat from his brow.

Alurra stormed passed him into the green lion's hanger.

"You were supposed to take out Lotor! You spent less than a minute in that ship! Whats going on?!" she yelled up at the lion.

"We have something better!" Pidge shouted. "Guess who we found!"

Shrio came out of the lion with...

"Lance...?" Hunk gasped just above a whisper.

"Let me go you twerps!" Lance snapped.

"LANCE!!!!!!!" HUnk screamed for joy and ran to him.

Hunk embraced Lance in a huge hug.

"H-Hunk...?!" Lance gasped.

"You're ok..." Hunk started to tear up. "You're OK!!!!"

"What are you doing here?" Lance gasped.

"It's such a long story..." Hunk chuckled through his tears. "Me and the others here are the paladins of Voltron! Except we're missing the Blue paladin. BUT ANYWAY! We've been fighting the evil galra, the aliens that kidnapped you. We've been searching for you along the way too. But just as we were about to take out Lotor, Pidge and Shiro found you! And now-"

"TAKE OUT LOTOR?!" Lance shrieked. "No! You can't!"


A beautiful girl with ears and markings like Lotor came up to them.

"I am Princess Alurra of Altea, and let me explain. Lotor is an evil Prince of the Galra. He has hurt Altea-and myself-in so many ways. You should be grateful to be alive!"

"Grateful to be-WHAT?!" Lance shrieked again.

"No, No, you don't understand!" Lance cried. "Lotor isn't evil!"

"But he's attacked us multiple times Lance," a boy with raven hair said. Lance recognized him as Keith.

"That's your own fault!" Lance scolded.

"Excuse me?" Alurra asked.

"We tried to approach you multiple times! To side with you! To ask for your help defeating Zarkon! But every time we tried you would start attacking without cause!"

"We?" Shiro asked. "Why would you work with him?"

Lance sighed. He held up his wrist revealing the galran symbols.

"That's your soulmark!" Hunk gasped.

"Thats Galran!" Alurra gasped as well.

"Yes! Lotor is my soulmate! He invaded Earth to find me! I'll admit not the best first date-"Lance chuckled at the memory. "BUT THAT'S BESIDES THE POINT! The point is, Lotor is my soulmate! I love him, and he's been trying to side with you since you guys first showed up!"

"Lance...We searched so long to find you...but you're with the enemy?" Hunk could feel tears down his cheeks

"Hunk, Hunk, Listen to me!" Lance held his face in his hands. "We're not enemies! Lotor wants to side with you! And now that he's in charge of the empire, we are closer than ever to defeating Zarkon!"

"Ask Alurra, she's in charge here," Shiro said.

"Why is she in charge!" Lance said. "You pilot the lions! You deserve a say!"

"Yeah!" Keith said. "I do get a say! And I say not all Galra are evil! And we should at least try to talk to Lotor!"

"You don't get a say in this!" Alurra galred.

"WHY NOT?" Lance yelled.

Keith turned to Lance. "I'm part Galra. And Alurra here is a racist twat."

"Yeah, I can see that." Lance galred.

"Alurra, Lance and Keith are right." Shiro said. "We can't judge them all the same It's been 10,000, we need to have an open mind."

Alurra sighed. "Maybe-"

Suddenly, a roar was heard...

Otherworldly (Lancelot soulmate au)Where stories live. Discover now