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"YOU DID WHAT?!" Keith screamed.

"We sent him to Lotor's hip to retrieve Lance," Corran said.

"All alone?! You sent him to the belly of the beast all alone?! And to what? Retrieve a prisoner?! THIS IS INSANE! I'm going after him!"

"Yeah!" Pidge said. "This is--MMMMFF!!!"

Keith spun around to see Pidge being held by Shrio, his hand covering her mouth.

"Shiro what are you doing?!"

Suddenly, Corran grabbed Keith and did the same to him.

"Take them to the memory chambers. We can't have any more delinquents." Alurra said.

The two shook their heads violently. "MMMMFF!!! MMM! MMM!!!"

Keith stomped on Corran's foot.

"Quiznack!" Corran cried. He let go of Keith to cradle his foot.

Keith looked over at Pidge, who's eyes screamed for him to run.

Keith ran and ran to his lion, and quickly blasted off and away.

"Track the yellow lion," he told Red.

This was it. He was going to save the one he loved and stop him from hurting Lance.


Keith arrived at the galra ship. He could see the yellow lion under it. He skillfully snuck under the galra ship and quickly exited his lion. He could see the hole Hunk had shot to enter through. He quickly crawled through it.

Keith crept around the ship when he heard a scream.

Keith ran around the corner to see Hunk's giant gun raised at Lance and Lotor.

"Hunk! What are you doing?" Lance cried.

Hunk was about to fire when Keith ran in its path and used his shield to block it.

"K-Keith?" Lance gasped. "What's going on?"

"Hunk's been brainwashed, just like you were!" Keith cried. "Run! I'll hold him off!"

While the couple ran off, Keith fought persistently.

"Please Hunk! Don't hurt them! Don't hurt me!" Keith cried.

Hunk said nothing. He had fire in his eyes.

Keith tacked Hunk to the ground and managed to hold him down.

"Please," Keith sobbed. "This isn't you...." Keith placed a soft kiss onto Hunk's lips.

Hunk's eyes closed as he began to kiss back.

Huk opened his eyes. He looked up at Keith.


Keith chuckled through his tears.

The two had a more passionate kiss.

"I'm sorry," Hunk sobbed, "I'm so sorry..."

"It wasn't your fault," Keith said. "Alurra's gone insane. She was about to brainwash Pidge and I but I escaped and-OH MY GOD PIDGE! We have to go save her!"

"Now hold on just a second!"

The two looked up to see Lance with his hands on his hips, Lotor behind him.

"What is going on here?!"


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