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Lotor walked onto the bridge where a worried team and lover awaited him.

"So what was it all about?" Ezor asked.

"Why were you called to the capital?" Acxa asked.

"Are you in trouble?" Zethrid asked.

"Are we safe?" Lance peeped out.

Lotor ignored all questions except Lance's. He rushed to his lover and embraced him.

"Of course we are safe darling..." he cooed.

Lotor turned to the others.

"Father is in a coma. Very weak due to the battle of last week. Due to this...I have been chosen to reign as emperor in the meantime."


"WHAT?!" the others screamed.

"Lotor you're becoming the ruler?! OF ALL THE GALRA?!" Ezor gasped.

"Temporarily, yes," Lotor explained. "Until he regains his strength. I will be in charge. Including completing his goals..."

"What kind of goals?" Nethrid asked.


"Lotor, what kind of goals?" Acxa asked sternly.

"Destroying and enslaving more planets."

"No!" Lance gasped.

"But darling-"

"No! I won't let you!" Lance yelled. "Your in charge now! You can do what you want!"

"Darling, do you remember Haggar?" Lotor asked.

Lance shuddered. "How could I not?"

"She is second in command in this empire. If we do not obey Zarkon's last wishes, she will come for us. I can't let her hurt you. Any of you. I'm sorry."

"But what about Voltron?" Ezor asked.

"They made their choice." Lotor turned away.

I was true. After many attempts to meet with Voltron, they were only greeted with gunfire. They were now against the mighty robot.

"Lotor," Lance put a hand on Lotor's shoulder. "We will find a way." he said. "And until then, we will follow you. Ok?"

Lotor held onto Lance's hand. "Thank you my love,"

"Always," Lance said.

Otherworldly (Lancelot soulmate au)Where stories live. Discover now