chapter 1

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renjun had immediately went to his personal office that had gadgets and many things he needed for hacking, a room specialized for it

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renjun had immediately went to his personal office that had gadgets and many things he needed for hacking, a room specialized for it. he took a notepad and pen to write information he could get from the girl's wallet and her phone mostly.

"of course this thing has a passcode" he muttered to himself.

his lips turned to make a smile when he saw that he could easily get the fingerprint instead of trying to get the passcode.

walking towards the intensive care unit where yeonha was, he knocked on the door. the door opened, revealing a stressed kun and a worrisome taeil.

"what do you need, injun?" asked kun.

"i need her fingerprint to open her phone" renjun held the phone up, eye level. "what's with the two of you?"

"we can't tell how long she'll be unconscious, and taeyong needs her to be awake in three days and if not, he may actually kill her" taeil replied.

"so? isn't that the best? even you two are having mercy nowadays along with yukhei" renjun responded.

"well, we have mercy on teenage girls or children, we can't do that to their pure innocent soul" kun replied.

"whatever" renjun spat. "i'll get her print and leave right away"

he went over to her and got her right thumb to press onto the home button of the phone and immediately, it unlocked showing her apps.

"i'll get going" renjun waved goodbye to them.

going back, he saw chenle and quickly grabbed him by the wrist and pulled him into his office. chenle had a questionable face that just looked blankly at renjun.

"what is it, hyung?" chenle asked, looking at the unknown phone he was holding.

"we got a new mission, and the others can't find out about this" renjun explained. "we have to get info on a girl named na yeonha"

"how does she look like?" chenle asked.

renjun had showed him her identification card and a few pictures of her in her photo library in her phone. chenle squinted, and blinked a few times when he saw the photos.

"this looks like kieun, it's just that her eyes are more sharp and her lips are more plump" chenle examined.

"you really do know pretty much everything about everyone" renjun complimented. "anyways, here's her bag, i haven't looked too much into it. i'll send the contacts of the people she recently contacted and some who may come in handy. try to get in contact with them to get more information on her"

"sure, i think i can get all that done by tomorrow evening" chenle replied and got the bag. "i'll get going"

"alright" renjun replied and further took more focus on the girl's phone.

there was a folder of her pictures with friends and other pictures you'd usually find in a seventeen-year-old's phone. he tried looking for pictures with relatives or anything similar, but none showed.

he moved onto the contacts and quickly sent them to chenle, in order for him to get started. he was shocked to see there wasn't a single contact of any of her family members. this made it harder for their side.

he pursed his lips and went to check other apps like instagram, facebook and twitter. there was a bit of information about the girl on her instagram like her likes and dislikes, a bit of her interests but most importantly, the school she attends. renjun quickly jotted down these bits of information.

"i've compiled a good amount already" renjun said to himself.

twitter was just a rant account of her rants and stuff like that, nothing useful, well that was what he thought. there were many tweets about her family there, bingo.

@nanyeonha: i wish i could meet my mom one day... why did dad have to separate from her?

@nanyeonha: dad, why are you always busy. can't you spend some time with me? i bet mom would've gone out with me.

@nanyeonha: i wish i had siblings, i wouldn't be so bored at the house

@nanyeonha: maybe if dad and mom didn't separate, i would've been happier by now

@nanyeonha: dad, pick, your food business or me?

"bingo" renjun said, getting some info about her family.

he wondered why she was so sad when she already had a dad, couldn't she be contented with that? his past was comparable though. his parents were never home because of work, he missed them dearly. one day, he found out his parents died a year ago, knowing only a year later. that's how used he was to them not being there, or contacting him.

he quickly changed to facebook, but saw that she had deactivated her account recently, not knowing why, he didn't check it anymore. lastly, the only app left except for some games is wattpad. he didn't know why he had to check it but he felt like he needed to.

he quickly went to her profile, seeing she wrote a few stories, they looked pretty interesting. next, going to her library, he was taken into shock by some works that he wouldn't have imagined from her. a light blush appeared on his face and he quickly exited the app.

"pure innocent soul my ass" he muttered, remembering the words that kun had quoted.

then, his phone started ringing, it was taeyong. he picked up the call, and taeyong just called him to come to update him.

he walked to taeyong's office and entered.

"so, what information did you get?" taeyong asked, and renjun handed over the notepad. "how about chenle?"

"since it's already evening, he'll go out tomorrow to talk to some of the people in her contacts" renjun responded.

"anything off or something?" taeyong asked. "she's innocent or guilty of anything?"

"well except for her library in her wattpad, i guess you can say everything about her is innocent" renjun replied.

taeyong didn't even bother to ask what was in there and quickly dismissed the boy.

taeyong didn't even bother to ask what was in there and quickly dismissed the boy

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hehe, innocent 🤗

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