chapter 4

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na yeonha point of view

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na yeonha point of view

why do my eyes hurt? i cant see anything. my whole body is aching. my arms, i can't even lift a finger. my left leg feels really heavy.

"" i whimpered in pain. barely making a sound loud enough for someone to hear.

"gosh she's awake" a heard someone say.

"w-who?" i questioned, having difficulty to speak more than a single word.

"a friend of yours" he replied. "the doctor will check up on you in around an hour or two"

"w..why?", i wanted to ask why it'd take so long and why i'm in this state.

"well, do you remember anything?", he asked.

"n-no, only my dad", i managed to say.

"you only remember things about your dad, but everything else, you don't know?" he had asked.

"yes" i replied. i only remember him, i don't know why, just him, but no memories.

"well, let me tell you more about yourself" he told me. "make sure you listen carefully"

"you are na yeonha, the daughter of a business man. despite that, you live with your brother, na jaemin and his friends, which is us. you've been quite a cheerful girl, the vitamin of our group", he explained. "you attended school but, because of struggles, you decided to drop out. you've been working diligently afterwards"

"your brother, has been very caring. it's just that these days, he's become cold because of some reasons", he continued. "he's been under a lot of pressure with the cost of your bills and is working hard for you"

"how you got into an accident, well, you were out late at night, going home from getting groceries, then suddenly, a car ran into you, explaining the state you're in", he said. "you've been out for almost a week, around two days or four in the hospital, but we decided to take you home afterwards and hire a private doctor"

"oh" the only thing that came out of my mouth.

"is there anything more you wanna know about?" he asked. i breathed heavily and said, "dad".

"he's fine, he said he's on a business trip, he's sorry he can't be here with you" he replied. "anything else?"

"your name" i wanted to ask it badly.

"hwang injun" he replied.

i remember blacking out again, i think i used too much of the energy i had gained, needing to regain it again.

i woke up once again, but this time i heard more people. i couldn't quite understand what they were saying.

"e-excuse me" i slowly said.

i don't know but i felt like they all looked at me, as their voices stopped and footsteps came towards me.

"good evening miss na, i'm taeil, your doctor, is everything alright?" he asked.

"except for the massive pain" i said slowly. "i'm okay"

"i see you've gained more strength, injun told me you could only speak a word or two the day before yesterday" he told me. "it's been two days since you blacked out once again"

"i think we're allowed to removed the bandages around your eyes, but the others can't" he replied.

"i'm going to slowly take off the bandage, if it hurts or feels weird, don't be afraid to tell me" he said and i felt the bandage on my eyes feel lighter. it didn't hurt much.

"don't open your eyes yet" he instructed.

i followed him, but i heard many footsteps going out of the room, probably.

"alright, slowly open your eyes" taeil instructed.

i slowly opened my eyes to see a dim room. i blinked twice, adjusting my sight that was a bit blurry and turned my head to where the doctors were.

"alright, how many fingers is he holding up?" taeil asked, and i looked to the other guy beside him. "4, four fingers"

"now slowly follow his finger" he instructed and i did it.

"alright, your eye surgery was successful, you're able to see properly" taeil had told me. "now we need to check if you have any color blindness or not"

"what color is this?" he asked.


it went on until i passed the test, there was nothing wrong with my eye sight. i smiled but it was weak, but hey, at least i tried.

"just continue to eat healthy foods and i think you can recover in two weeks" taeil said. "yeonha, you'll now be staying inside your own room that we have prepared for you since you're now completely conscious"

"alright, but who's that guy?" pointing to the boy who was peeping in through the small window in the door.

"oh, he's a friend of yours, his name is lee donghyuck" taeil said. "you can call him haechan"

"oh, that's a pretty name" i complimented.

"let's get going?" taeil said and he pushed the wheeled bed to another room, which was painted a boring white and had very little things inside.

"if you need one of us, just press this button" kun instructed. "if you press it, it'll immediately contact everyone, sending a message to everyone of us and you can enter the reason at the back, there's a small keyboard"

"this is cool, who made it?" i asked.

"injun, the guy who watched over you" kun replied. "fascinating, right?"

"it is indeed" i agreed.

"alright, we'll get going, you should take some rest" taeil told her. "since your upper body is in a pretty okay condition, it's alright to move it to get used to using strength, but avoid doing much with your lower body"

"alright but what about when..."

"there's a wheelchair and a bathroom right there" kun replied.

"ah, thanks" i thanked.

well. i have a lot to get used to now...

(a/n: the thingy kun gave that injun made is basically a flip phone, the screen and button on the fromt and the keyboard at the back)

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(a/n: the thingy kun gave that injun made is basically a flip phone, the screen and button on the fromt and the keyboard at the back)

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