chapter 36

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three weeks had passed since that night

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three weeks had passed since that night. nct had been going on mission as the usual. winwin had completely ignored my existence, along with jaemin. he was always with jeno or wayv, which made it hard for me to avoid him. luckily, i stayed in my room, renjun's office or the 00 liners' bedroom.

"where's chenle?", jisung asked, who was hanging out in the room. jeno looked over to the younger boy and sighed. "when we told him about his biological family, he decided to look for junseop. i received a text earlier that he was with him"

"really? he took everything well?", jisung asked and jeno nodded. "he may have been abandoned, but i think he just really wanted to feel a real family's love"

"then why did they abandon him in the first place when they accepted him already?", jaemin questioned.

"the first husband, the father of junseop, had passed away a few years ago. her husband had anger issues and if he found out, he would've done something bad", jeno explained. "after his fatehr died, this led junseop to find his half brother, which is chenle"

"do you think chenle would leave nct if he starts getting close with his family?", jisung questioned, as his tone was sad. he didn't want his best friend to leave him. he couldn't, after growing up with him. "does this mean we'll lose another member? i thought we weren't going to leave each other. we promised to be there for each other"

"jisung...", i muttered as i stared at him. his eyes were glossy, obviously on the verge of tears. "don't worry, you have me"

"i don't want to be a third-wheel", jisung pouted.

"but what would happen if we really do disband the gang?", renjun asked. the whole room went silent with renjun's question. i tightened my grip on renjun's hand.

"we would all go our separate ways", jeno sighed. "it's sad but true"

"where will i go to? i have no family members left", jisung said. "will i just be an orphan?"

"aren't we all?", jaemin questioned. "i would probably leave with yeonha and find a job. i'm taking jisung with me"

"how about me?", renjun asked.

"no, you're not valid", jaemin replied and everyone in the room started to laugh. it gave jisung relief that someone would help him if ever that situation happened.

"how about you, yeonha? is he valid?", jeno asked me and i looked over to renjun who was beside me. i stared into renjun's eyes as he stared back at me.

"no, he isn't"

"wrong answer", renjun said and leaned closer to me as he pecked my lips, in front of my brother, my best friend and my school buddy.

jisung immediately closed his eyes as jeno looked at us with disgust. jaemin's gaze changed from a cheerful one to a serious one. he got off his bed and grabbed me and forcefully brought me to his bed.

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