chapter 35

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i woke up to see renjun still sleeping

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i woke up to see renjun still sleeping. he had his arm slung over me and was sleeping peacefully. i fixed his long bangs that was poking his eyelids and moved them to the side. i slowly placed his arm off of me and got out of bed without waking up renjun.

"i'm hungry", i muttered and made my way out of my room and headed towards the kitchen to see the food. i quickly got some food and went to the dining room to see jungwoo and taeyong eating. i sat in front of them and started to eat.

"hi, yeonha", jungwoo said. i looked to him to see that he was smiling. "hi, jungwoo"

"it's awkward, isn't it?", taeyong tried to break the ice. "jungwoo will be staying here now. he'll just go to the hospital for checkups now"

"oh, i hope you get better", i said and quickly finished the food on my plate. i finished and jungwoo as well, but he asked taeyong if he could eat more.

"you can eat more, jungwoo", taeyong said and jungwoo went out to get more food. i was left with their leader who i still found scary. "yeonha"

"y-yes?", i stuttered, looking at taeyong who just chuckled lowly. "you don't have to be afraid of me"

"how can i trust you?"

"because i'm only scary and serious when it's about gang stuff", taeyong explained. i nodded and turned my head to the door as someone just came in. "renjun?"

renjun's hair was sticking out at different directions and he looked like he had just woken up. he wore his moomin pajamas and headed over to sit next to me and buried his face into my left shoulder.

"why didn't you wake me up?", he asked and wrapped his arms around my waist. "when i woke up you weren't there, i thought you were kidnapped again"

"why're you such a clingy baby in the morning?", i questioned him. i didn't realize that jungwoo was at the door looking at us until he cleared his throat. "i don't think i was discharged from the hospital to feel single"

"i remember forming a gang, not a dating place", taeyong said right after. i got embarrassed by their comments so i pulled renjun away from me and got my plate and headed to the kitchen sink to place it in. renjun followed me and grabbed my hand, pulling me towards the living room and plopped onto the couch. he patted the space beside him, wanting me to lay down beside him and i did so. "you're so clingy, huang"

"why? don't you read about clingy guys in your wattpad stories?", he questioned and i rolled my eyes at him. "stop mentioning my wattpad"

"i don't have any work to do today so i can hangout with you for the whole day", renjun changed the topic. "i want to cuddle for the whole day"

"you haven't even eaten breakfast yet", i said. renjun just pulled me closer to him, tightening his grip on my waist as he stared into my eyes looked down to my lips to peck it. i was surprised by his sudden action, and my reaction was what made him chuckle. "i'll eat later, love, don't worry"

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