chapter 16

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renjun and i were waiting in the lounge area, waiting for their arrival

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renjun and i were waiting in the lounge area, waiting for their arrival. i was shaking a bit, renjun noticed my behavior and held onto my shoulder.

"stop shaking, you're not an earthquake", he said. i scoffed at him and pushed his hand off my shoulder. "yeah, renjun, that totally helped"

he shrugged and laid back on the couch. i kept my eyes at the entrance door, getting impatient as thoughts of one of them dying entered my head. the door opened, showing a couple of boys. i stood up, hoping it was them but it wasn't.

"hey guys!", a voice shouted. chenle waved at the two of us. "i'm back from busan and i have a bit of goodies"

with him, were ten and hendery. i sat back down in disappointment as my worried self came back.

"what's with her?", ten asked, looking at renjun who remained silent. "damn, silent treatment"

"move out of the way hoes!", a voice from the front door shouted loudly. we looked at the door to see yuta carrying jaemin on his back, running towards the clinic. johnny and doyoung were supporting lucas as they carried him towards the clinic. "what the heck happened?"

"well, we didn't expect that there were going to be a lot of enemies, we were outnumbered", mark explained. "we all have minor injuries, except jaemin and lucas. the two of them lost a lot of blood"

i just stood there, frozen. it was something that barely happened. everyone usually came home to almost no injuries, but now, they came home with major injuries. i remembered renjun's words, on how he couldn't do it all alone.

"this is my fault, if only i could help out renjun, he wouldn't have had a hard time and the two of them wouldn't have had major injuries", i said and they all stared at me. taeyong's usual blank and empty face just turned into a worried face. i held back my tears. "it's my fault my brother and lucas have major injuries"

"yeonha, i didn't mean to offend you when i said those words", renjun said, holding onto my wrist. "i promise you that it!s not your fault"

"yuck, what kdrama is this?", ten asked, cringing at the words that renjun said. hendery shrugged. "let's just go, ten"

"yeah, i'm joining the two of you, wait for me!", chenle shouted. taeyong cleared his throat at that moment. "chenle, you still need to discuss the things that happened in busan"

"oh right!", chenle exclaimed as he followed taeyong, who was heading to his office. renjun and i were the only two left in the lounge. i decided i wanted to train myself physically, heading towards the training room but renjun held my wrist, refraining me from leaving. "i know you're going to exhaust yourself"

"so? i don't care, i want to train myself", i said, pulling my wrist away from him. he sighed and looked at me. "if you're doing that, i'm joining you then"

i nodded, not really caring whether he joins or not. i just wanted to feel the pain i deserve.

"wait for me here, i'll change into my training wear", he said and i changed into training wear as well. i wore leggings and a black t-shirt. i went back to the lounge area to see renjun in his training wear. he was wearing a white sleeveless shirt and black over-the-knee shorts. "took you long enough"

the two of us headed downstairs to the training room. he opened the door and looked around, then faced me.

"what do you want to train?", he asked and i thought about it. i scanned the different training areas and my eyes caught the shooting field. "how about shooting?"

"alright", he said and the two of us headed towards the shooting field. we put on the necessary equipment and got our preferred guns. i started aiming at the post and shot it twice, a head shot and right in the heart. "you're pretty good"

"thanks, i think i'm talented with shooting", i complimented myself as he chuckled at me. i watched renjun aim at the post. he shot it right in the heart area but just about missed a head shot. "well, you suck at headshots"

"hey, i mean, i did well with the heart", he said. the two of us continued until we were satisfied with our practice. "i think we did well"

"yeah, totally", i agreed. it was fun but it didn't relieve my worries. renjun noticed it and decided to do something. "hey yeonha"

i look over to see renjun holding a gun in his hand and pointed it to the left side of my chest. 

"bang bang", he said and maneuvered the gun as if he shot me but didn't. i was in pure shock to see renjun being playful. "what the fuck did i just see and hear"

"hey! i'm trying to make you laugh", he complained and pouted. i placed back my gun and the gear i used back to it's place and just stared at renjun weirdly. "uhh, you don't suit that persona"

"i think i do", he said as he also put back the gear and gun. we both walked back towards the stairs. he placed his arm around my shoulders. i was shocked by his action and accidentally twisted his arm behind him, a self-defense move. "what the heck yeonha!"

"i'm sorry! jeno taught it to me once", i told him and released my grip on him. "i didn't mean it!"

renjun didn't reply and kept quiet, walking in front of me. he went up the stairs and i followed him. the moment we were in the lounge, i grabbed onto his arm and shook it slightly.

"don't get mad at me, you're the only one i'm close to", i said and he just pushes me away, heading towards his office. "renjun!!"

"you have jeno anyways, go talk with him", he scoffed and punched in the password. he closed the door and i heard it lock. "what the fuck! are you having mood swings? bitch you don't even have periods!"

i tried to punch in the password but it denied it, saying that the password was incorrect.

"asshole!", i shouted loud enough so that he can hear it.

"asshole!", i shouted loud enough so that he can hear it

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