chapter 22

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"yeonha, wake up, it's 2pm already and you haven't eaten breakfast", a voiced said as i groaned, not wanting to get up

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"yeonha, wake up, it's 2pm already and you haven't eaten breakfast", a voiced said as i groaned, not wanting to get up. "get up already. i still have a mission in a bit"

i opened my eyes to see jaehyun beside my bed, crouching down. i couldn't believe that i was facing someone who was a natural beauty, while i had my ugly morning face.

"who told you to wake me up? i don't want to face someone with this much visuals in the morning. especially since my face is too ugly for you to see", i said and covered my face with my blanket. i heard him chuckle as he ruffled my hair. "your brother told me to wake you up"

"wait, all of you are handsome, it's no use anyways", i said and peeked out of my blanket. "i'll eat in a bit"

"do you want a piggyback ride to the kitchen?", he asked. a smile appeared on my face as i looked at him. "really? i thought you had a mission?"

"it'll be quick anyways, now let's get you to the kitchen", he said as his back faced me. i got out of my blankets and held tightly on jaehyun. he acted like a brother figure to me when jaemin was around. "if you fall off, it isn't my fault alright?"

"yeah", i hummed and he brought me down to the kitchen. he placed me down when we were nearby. "thanks jae"

"anytime", he said and left. i saw hyuck in the kitchen, rummaging through the cabinets. "what're you looking for hyuck?"

"just some snacks", he replied nonchalantly as i went over to get some food to eat. i proceeded to the dining room and ate breakfast as hyuck decided to sit next to me. "goodluck"

"for what?", i questioned and he just laughed. he took out his phone to show me a certain conversation he had. "this"

shoulder gangster rj

you're in the kitchen right?


stfu i can see through the cctv footage
can you like tell yeonha and jaehyun-hyung
that they look stupid like that

damn control your jealousy man
and you did that back then bro

how do you know?
i remember that no one was
there then

well, me and yeonha are quite close😎

well i don't like it
wait are u showing her this?
i legit see it on the cctv hyuck

"i'm the one who's seeing it, why is he still saying it's you?", i asked and he shrugged. i continued eating breakfast—well technically it's lunch but i woke up late so it's breakfast. i finished and looked at hyuck who was still beside me on his phone. "by the way, renjun told you to go to his office. goodluck yeonha"

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