chapter 32

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"bong jaehyun, when can i leave?", i asked him

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"bong jaehyun, when can i leave?", i asked him. two days had passed and i was getting worried that i wouldn't be able to leave this place. i haven't seen any of the other members of the group except jaehyun, jibeom and seungmin.

"where's seungmin?", i asked again. i met him the other day when i was trying to find the kitchen. he apparently was close to me as well, helping me escape back then according to jaehyun.

"he's on a mission with jibeom and the others today", jaehyun explained. "they left early in the morning, so they'll be back soon"

"why don't you go on missions?", i asked as i noticed that he was always at the base. he looked at me and smiled. "because i'm a hacker like renjun"

"really?", i questioned and he nodded.

"he's trying to hack into our security cameras", he said. that made me smile, knowing that they were still trying to work on a way to get me out of here.

"hey jaehyun", i called and he looked at me in the eye. "can i call him?"

"call him? but i don't know where your phone is", he said. "jibeom was the one who hid it"

"can you help me find it?", i asked him and he thought about it. he nodded and told me to stay but i begged him to let me come with him. "alright, just make sure to be quick with the call if we find the phone"

"i'll be quick", i promised as we headed towards jibeom's room, which was shared with jaehyun. when we entered the room, i didn't expect it to be messy. "why is it so messy?"

"it's jibeom's fault", jaehyun muttered as he headed towards jibeom's desk and looked through his drawers. i decided to look around to see a picture frame and multiple polaroid pictures of myself and jibeom.

"what were we like?", i asked jaehyun, hoping that he knew. "i mean the relationship with jibeom"

"you hated ever second of it when he started to become over-possesive", jaehyun explained while looking through jibeom's things. "he even forbade me and seungmin from talking to you and locked you up in that room whenever you tried to escape or tried to talk with us"

"but he acts so differently now?", i questioned.

"he wants to make you think that you actually liked him back then, that you actually had a good relationship", jaehyun explained. he suddenly took out a phone that was hidden under jibeom's bed. "here, don't take too long"

"thank you, for everything", i thanked and tried to open the cellphone until i noticed that it was lowbat. "do you have a charger?"

"yeah, let me get it", jaehyun made his way towards his side of the room and passed me a charger and i quickly plugged it in. i played with my fingers as i waited for it to open. once it opened, i immediately typed in the passcode and opened my contacts. i pressed on renjun's contact and listened to it ring. "please pick up"

"yeonha? is this really you?"

i was relieved by just hearing his voice at that moment. i turned my back to jaehyun who was now near the door.

"renjun...", my voice cracked.

"yeonha? where are you? did you escape? let me pick you up, where are you?!", he was obviously worried by his tone. i was holding back my tears. "yeonha, answer me please"

"renjun, i'm in their base but i'm sure i'll be able to escape and go back to you all", i managed to say. "i miss you all, i miss everyone"

"can't you escape? i just really want you back here", renjun said. "that's it, i'm going there"

"don't renjun, you're just going to get hu—"

"i'd rather get fucking hurt than remember that you're not by my side!!"

"renjun please", i begged.

"yeonha, i'll make a way to get you out of there", he said with confidence.

"i love you, huang renjun", i said and at that moment, the door slammed open and i turned my head to see jibeom. his eyes sharpened as he looked at me and saw that i was using my phone. "renjun, i'm scared"

he quickly approached me and snatched the phone from my hand and ended the call. he threw the phone on his bed and i just eyed out my phone. jaehyun was just watching from afar as i made eye contact with him and looked down tp see that he was holding back from punching jibeom.

"what the hell?!", i shouted as i tried to get the phone but he pulled me by the wrist and brought me outside of his room. "let go of me!"

"who said you can call him? i hate it whenever you talk to everyone except me!", jibeom shouted. he dragged me to my room and pushed me inside. "starting from now on, you're only allowed to talk to me here. don't even plan to talk to jaehyun"

"what the fuck?!", i shouted. "i fucking hate you"

"also, i'm letting you attend school tomorrow, but don't even try to escape", jibeom said. with that, he shut the door close and i heard a click, assuming that he had locked the door.

"fucking shit", i cursed as i went over to the door and tried to open it but it was locked. i proceeded to go to my bed and cover myself in my blanket and slept, wanting to wake up to find out everything was just a dream.

"yeonha, wake up", someone said and i woke up, but after recognizing whose voice it was, i wanted to go back to sleep. "i know you're awake, you have to eat dinner"

"after locking me up in here for almost half the day? yeah, no thanks", i replied. "i only like being woken up when it's renjun, and you certainly are not renjun"

"stop mentioning his name when i'm right here", he said seriously. "i'm already here, why can't you be satisfied?"

"that's why, you're here. the one i want is not here, only until i'm with him will i ever be satisfied", i said and didn't want to face him, hoping he would leave after i said that. instead of that, he pulled off the blanket when i was not paying attention grabbed my wrist and dragged me to sit on the floor.

"eat", he said coldly and stared at me. "just eat for godsake"

i looked over to see that it was the same food as before. this time though, there was tea. i held onto the cup and felt that it was warm.

"i have a friend who loves tea and he would have told me to do this to you if i had the chance", i said.

i picked up the tea and splashed it right on his face.

[a/n: thank u so much for 5k wtf 🥺🥺 i love you guys :(( i honestly was losing inspo for this but all the votes, reads and comments just motivated me

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[a/n: thank u so much for 5k wtf 🥺🥺 i love you guys :(( i honestly was losing inspo for this but all the votes, reads and comments just motivated me. i'll be editing my first few chapters once i finish this story. i'll also publish my jaemin fanfic when this probably reaches 7k reads or when i'm almost done with this story]

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