chapter 40

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3 long ass years later

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3 long ass years later...

"do you want me to come with you", renjun asked me, as he was driving to the place i asked him to drop me off at. i shook my head. "i want to be there by myself"

"alright, i'll wait in the car then", renjun said. i looked out and realized that we were here. renjun casually parked the car in a shaded area. i unbuckled the seat belt and was about to leave until i felt renjun pull on the end of my sleeve. i looked over to him and he gave me a quick peck on the lips. "stay safe, love"

"i will, huang", i said and got out of the car.

i stood at the entrance of the cemetery as i made my way to a specific grave. as i was near, i spotted a bouquet of fresh flowers on the grave, as if someone was here before me. i didn't mind it and i placed the bouquet of white carnations on the grave.

"winwin, how are you?", i asked. i bent down to place my hand on his gravestone. "are you happy up there? are you with your parents?"

i was never going to get a response and i just appreciated the silence that we shared.

"i haven't visited you in months, but i have good news", i said as if we were having a normal conversation. "two months ago, renjun proposed to me on our third anniversary. he's impatient as ever"

"the way he proposed was cute. he gathered every nct member to the place and they all gave me a white rose each. when i reached the end, renjun was there with a bouquet of red roses and proposed to me right there", i explained. "you know what, it would've been better if you also gave me a white rose"

"anyways, i need to go. i still need to visit kieun's grave that's on the other side of the cemetery", i said and gave my respects before leaving. i walked over to kieun's grave to see a familiar person there. i approached him and he turned his head to face me. "junseop?"

"yeonha, you're here", he said lowly.

"yeah, to visit my sister", i told him. "how are you? i haven't seen you in three years. how's chenle?"

"he's with our mom at the moment", junseop replied. "i'm alright, but i would like to apologize to you"

"apologize? for what?", i asked.

"that day, three years ago when they got chenle, i was there at the abandoned building, well, from afar", he explained. "i was the sniper that shot your father. i should've shot him earlier, before he could shoot winwin. if only i did it earlier, winwin would still be alive"

i was speechless. i didn't know that it was junseop who had killed my father these past three years. i didn't know what to say as i was still processing everything.

"you all can blame me, i'm willing to take the blame", junseop said and sighed.

"it's not your fault, it's no one's fault", i said and stayed beside him. "you killed my father who he wanted to kill, he would be proud of you"

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