chapter 13

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"go back to your room and study about hacking, i'll talk with jaemin and haechan about this", renjun said as he broke the hug

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"go back to your room and study about hacking, i'll talk with jaemin and haechan about this", renjun said as he broke the hug. he had his hand at his nape, rubbing it slowly. he opened the door for me and i walked out of his office, then heading towards mine. "i don't like where all of this is going"

i opened the door to my room and plopped onto the bed. i stared at the table and remembered that i had to study for hacking, so that i could help out renjun during the missions. i headed towards my desk and took out the two hacking that renjun had gave me, along with a notebook of his.

"let's hope that i get stuff done", i said as i open the book at the latest page i was reading the other day.

time passed and jaemin had come into my room. he had a slice of cake with him and placed it on my desk. i stared at the cake and at jaemin who had a smile on his face.

"eat up, you shouldn't miss meals", he reminded me and patted my head. i laughed at him and held his wrist to stop him from patting my head. "i ain't a bitch"

"what do you mea— oh wait, okay, i get it", he chuckled, seeing what i did there. "how was your day?"

"renjun hugged me and memories are coming back", i nonchalantly said. he raised an eyebrow at me. "he did what?"

"renjun? he hugged me when i was getting flashbacks", i said in detail but he still kept the same face. "that isn't like the reonjeon i know"

"why?", i asked. he sat down on my bed and looked at me. "he wanted you to die. there's also things you need to know. the truth"

this time, i was the one raising an eyebrow. i sat next to him on my bed. he engulfed me in a hug, breaking it after a few minutes.

"i have a lot of things to tell you, but please forgive me", jaemin said and i nodded.

he started explaining everything, from the day i was so-called 'kidnapped' by them. how renjun had lied but had taken care of me the whole time. the fact that i had a twin sister. that day where they trained me, they planned to overwork me until i would nearly collapse, afterwards, giving me a pill that could erase bad memories, hoping it'd erase everything about them.

"so, everything was a lie?", i asked, holding back my tears. jaemin slowly nodded. he was pained that he couldn't even face me in the eyes. "i want to find out who i was avoiding. i'll forgive all of you, but if you're still hiding something from me, i'm leaving. i don't care if you're my biological brother or not"

"i'll be honest from now on", jaemin said. "just because you look like kieun, i'm not treating you like her. i deserve to treat you better"

"can i be alone for a bit?", i asked. he nodded his head and stood up to leave. i held his wrist, refraining him from leaving. "i want to be alone in the training room"

"alright, i'll tell them that then", he said and left the room. i changed into sweats and a white t-shirt. i headed out of my room and downstairs, where the training rooms are. "running, i kept running in my flashbacks"

i approached the treadmill and got on, putting it at a low speed to start off. i kept increasing the speed until i felt like i was running a marathon. i started sweating but didn't mind it.

"bong jaehyun. bong jaehyun. golden child", i kept repeating as i ran. i couldn't remember any other memory. "i'm so stupid and slow, what the fuck"

"you know you won't get anywhere with that attitude", a voice from behind me said. i didn't bother to look back, since i knew who the voice belonged to. "jeno, i don't care"

"where's the jolly yeonha who was curious about everything?", jeno questioned. i shrugged as i ran. "i don't know, maybe since i'm remembering a lot, my old personality is coming back"

"i don't think it works like that", he chuckled. "i think you're just blaming yourself and the fact that you're angry for not remembering anything"

"hey! i do remember something", i said in defense, but it caught me off guard, leading me to slow down and slip off the treadmill. jeno quickly approached me, turning off the treadmill helping me up. "can you kill me, i wanna die from embarrassment"

he didn't chuckle at my joke but ended up looking if i was hurt anywhere. i felt pain when he poked my knee. i pull my leg away from him and back away.

"you know, you just learned how to walk properly without limping as much anymore and you decide to run?", jeno questioned me and i stayed quiet. "i don't even know how you healed that quickly"

"maybe you can ask kun and taeil, they should know", i replied. i saw jeno shake his head at me as he took out his phone. "hey renjun, your girlfriend is injured, go take her to kun or taeil. i need to do some things"

"shut the fuck up jeno, where are you?", i could hear renjun from the other end.

"training room where the treadmills are", jeno replied and pocketed his phone. "he'll be here in a bit. jaemin just wanted me to check up on you before we leave for a mission"

"thanks, i guess", i said and slightly limped my way towards the bench. i stayed there for a while after jeno had left, wondering if renjun would actually pick me up here. i lost patience as i decided to leave the room. i held the doorknob as i felt my legs throbbing. "renjun asked where i was but didn't even go"

the door opened and i was standing in front renjun.

"sorry, i had to use the bathroom. let's get you to taeil"

[a/n: this is a chapter i wrote this year

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[a/n: this is a chapter i wrote this year. the previous chapters were written last year and i can say that my writing style changed a bit. i hope you all are safe during quarantine <3 ]

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