chapter 23

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"hey yeonha, why aren't you hac—, shit what happened?", renjun questioned and approached me

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"hey yeonha, why aren't you hac—, shit what happened?", renjun questioned and approached me. i ended up crying after absorbing everything written in my sister's journal. i was the reason why she died and i was the reason why jaemin had been hurt this whole time. "hey, you can tell me it, right?"

"i'm the reason why kieun died", i whispered loud enough for him to hear. he sat on the side of my bed beside me and pulled me into a hug. he pat my back softly. "it isn't, alright? don't blame yourself"

"that's what everyone says, but she just wanted me to be free from my father's actions", i explained while my sobs became louder. i buried my face into his shoulder. he continued to pat my back until i became calm. "how did you find out?"

i broke the hug and handed over the journal to renjun, who started to read it. i continued to calm myself as i just stared at renjun who was reading every single entry. he suddenly looked up at me to check if i was okay, sending a small smile my way and held my hand tightly.

i stared at him as he read the journal. i tried to not think about everything i just read and focused on what i needed to do. i wasn't going to let myself cave in again in my room, blaming myself, even if i kinda did that earlier.

"can i give this to chenle and taeyong?", he asked and i nodded. i didn't want myself to reread everything, i knew that if it was in my hands, i would reread it until i felt bad about myself. "you should get some rest. you can continue the mission tomorrow"

"i don't want to, i'm finishing", i said. he stood up and brought the blanket over my body and made sure i laid down. "please don't overwork yourself, i'm worried"

"and stop babying me", i told him and he sighed. he sat down again next to me and leaned in close. "what're you doing?"

"i'll kiss you if you won't listen", he whispered into my ear. he backed away and faced me. "now the two of you are sharing secrets without me"

both our heads turned to the door where we saw jaemin standing there with his arms crossed. he walked over to us and pulled renjun by his ear out of my room and locked the door when he was in the hallway. he turned to me with his arms crossed.

"what did the two of you talk about? what did he whisper into your ear?", jaemin went all protective brother mode. "why did you cry? did he make you cry?"

"stop bombarding me with questions and no, he did not make me cry", i replied. "how did you even find out?"

"well, jisung and i were going to annoy renjun but he wasn't there", he explained. "then i saw on the cctv footages that he's in your room"

"wait, hold up, there's a cctv camera in my room?", i asked and he nodded. i looked around but didn't see any camera. "where is it?"

"it's over there, it's really tiny though", he showed me where it was. he pointed to the upper corner of my room. "do you see it?"

"wait, what if he watches me while i sleep?", i asked jaemin and he started to laugh. "why? he's not that weird alright, i've known him for a while"

"still, can you turn off that camera though?", i asked and he shook his head. "i'm sorry, even if i wanted to, it's to monitor if someone breaks in"

i just sighed and walked towards my brother. i gave him a tight hug and he hugged me back.

"what's wrong?", he asked in a kindergarten teacher's voice. i just stayed quiet as i enjoyed the hug with my brother. after a while, i spoke up. "i'm sorry"

"for what?", he asked.

"i'm just sorry", i said and broke the hug. he ruffled my hair and smiled at me. i decided to get the journal and hand it over to him. "what's this?"

"it's kieun's, you should read it along with chenle and taeyong", i said and headed out of the room. i didn't want to see his reaction so i headed to renjun's office to continue the mission. i punched in the passcode as usual and opened the door. to my surprise, renjun was there in front of the door. "did you come back for the kiss?"

"no, i went back for the mission", i replied and walked passed him and sat on his chair and opened his computer to continue hacking. "i didn't know you could see into my room"

"who told you that?", he asked as he laid down on his couch. i looked at him and saw that he wasn't that shocked. "my brother"

i stopped talking to him the moment the computer opened and i saw the 'enter password' screen. i turned to renjun who had his eyes closed, probably thinking of things. i got up and poked renjun's side.

"yo, what's the password?", i asked as i poked his side. there was no response. i poked him a couple more times but he still didn't open his eyes. "you're not sleeping beauty, i know you're awake renjun"

renjun slowly opened one of his eyes and looked at my direction. he then opened both of his eyes and adjusted his position on the couch so that he could lay on his side.

"go back and rest, i don't want you to do the mission when you're not okay", renjun said as he looked at me.

"i don't want to wait until i'm okay renjun, so can you please enter your password?", i asked him in the most kindest way i could and he just sighed as he went over to his computer to enter the password. "thanks, renjun"

it was around 2am when i was close to cracking open the code and getting access to the folder. i looked over at renjun who was still on the couch. he fell asleep two hours ago and i found myself staring at him for too long, getting distracted from hacking.

"alright, i think i got it", i muttered to myself as i hit the enter key. i finally opened the locked folder and looked through the different files it had. i looked for my file and once i found it, i clicked on it and found a word document with no title. i clicked on it and i saw a letter. "what's this?"

dear yeonha,

i know we haven't known each other for long but i think i like you. i know that i wanted you to die when i first knew about you, but now i never want that to happen. i always confined myself in my office back then, that's probably why taeyong-hyung wanted me to look after you, so that i could open up and i'm glad he did.

you made me forget about my worries and you knocked on my heart that i closed off for years. i don't really know what to say but you light up my life. i love you, so much. i really want to be yours and i want you to be mine. so, i know this isn't the best way to confess my love, but will you be my girlfriend?

p.s, it's a yes or yes question <3

[a/n: thank u so much for 2k reads <3 ily guys so much 🥺 anyways, do you guys have any question about me? if this flops, it's hacker renjun who asked ]

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[a/n: thank u so much for 2k reads <3 ily guys so much 🥺 anyways, do you guys have any question about me? if this flops, it's hacker renjun who asked ]

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