chapter 38

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"ew", i muttered at his question

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"ew", i muttered at his question.

"what do you want?", jaemin asked seriously, without a hint of fear in his voice. "get straight to the point and give us chenle back"

"easy there boy, we have all night don't we?", he said in amusement. "to see my three— oh wait, one of them is already dead"

i looked over at jaemin who had his hands balled into fists, his knuckles turning pale white. it was obvious on his face that he was angry. i was angry as well, but jaemin was even more.

"how can you talk about your own child like that?", jaemin questioned, later on scoffing before he spoke up again. "that's right, you were never a father to us, so you have no right to call us your children"

"you have some great anger built up in you heart there, jaemin", our father said. "now, to get to the point and to the reason why i wanted to see the two of you"

he walked closer to us, making jaemin grab my wrist and pull me behind him. our father just chuckled and stopped a few steps away from us.

"i want yeonha to take my place", he said. "it would better if the two of you took it"

"and what makes you think we'll take over it?", i asked with the confidence that i piled up.

"wow, yeonha talked back to me for once", our father said. "right, you lost your memories"

"we already declined your offer, so give us chenle back and we'll take our leave", jaemin said, not wanting to be in the same room as him anymore. this just amused our father.

"don't you want to know the truth about the night that i left with yeonha? i remember that the two of you lost your memory of that day, but kieun had remembered the whole thing", our father said. i stayed quiet, as well as jaemin. he probably wanted to know the truth. "well, i'll tell you what happened that night then"

"it was dinner time and your mother found out that i was a mafia boss, so she tried to escape with the three of you while i was out", he said. "luckily, i returned home early, seeing the whole scene myself. i was outraged, causing myself to point my gun to your mother"

"both jaemin and kieun started to cry, but i was surprised to see yeonha just staring at me, without any emotions showing through her", he explained. "i tried to get yeonha from your mother but jaemin held onto her for dear life. i ended up hitting jaemin on the head with my gun, making him pass out"

jaemin's grip on my wrist tightened the more that our father explained the details of that night. he was experiencing something that i didn't know.

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