chapter 19

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"winwin!", i shouted and called him over

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"winwin!", i shouted and called him over. he walked over to me, placing his phone in his pocket. "what do you want, yeonha?"

"is there a convenience store nearby? perhaps maybe a park or something entertaining?", i asked and he thought about it, then nodding his head. "i know there's a playground nearby here"

"really? can you take me there?", i asked but he returned a questioning face to me. "why do you want to go out?"

"i'm avoiding renjun on purpose", i said and he started to chuckle. "why? because of what happened? your flirting session?"

"shut up", i deadpanned and hit his arm. he rubbed his arm and looked at me. "i have a mission later with wayv, so i can't join you. i do know that the 00 liners have nothing to do today"

"i'm taking them then, except renjun", i said. winwin just shook his head at me. "i hope you enjoy then"

"i will, stay safe on your mission, winwin", i said and we parted ways. i took out my phone and dialed my brother who immediately picked up.

"what is it yeonha?", he asked on the other line.

"are you, jeno and hyuck free today?", i asked and he simply hummed in response. "then, can we head to the playground nearby?"

"how did you find out about that?", he questioned.

"winwin told me about it. so can we? i've been feeling really stuffy here", i told him and i heard him chuckle. "sure, i think the four of us are free today"

"four? you mean including renjun?", i asked him.

"yeah, including renjun", he replied nonchalantly.

"i asked for only three of you. where are you?", i asked. i heard chuckles in the background. "i'm in my room with the 00 liners"

"are they all there?", i asked and he hummed a yes. "can they hear me?"


i'm screwed. that means they heard me not wanting renjun to join. renjun himself also heard it.

"i'm sorry, jeno forced me to put it on speaker", jaemin said and i could feel my blood pressure rising by the minute.

"so did that guy hear what i just said?", i asked and everyone there started laughing. i felt like i wanted to jump in a hole and die of embarrassment. "wow, so i'm now that guy apparently"

"yeah, i didn't get to tell you that renjun is next to me right now", jaemin said in a low voice. i was panicking at that moment and wanted to end the call, so i ended it.

"you know what, i'm leaving by myself, that's better", i muttered to myself as i went to my bedroom and changed into shorts and a graphic tee. i took the black gucci baseball cap that belonged to my brother, which i stole and headed towards the main door. "hey, where are you going alone?"

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