chapter 33

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"let's go?", jibeom asked me as he held my hand

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"let's go?", jibeom asked me as he held my hand. i pulled my hand away from him but he grabbed it again, this time, holding onto it tightly. "don't even try"

"i fucking hate you", i cursed and looked away from him. he dragged me to the car and made sure that i sat in the passenger's seat and closed the door. he went over to the driver's seat and i took this as a chance to escape, trying to open the door but i realized that it was locked. "fucking child lock"

"i told you to not try", he said. "now, you have to behave at school. don't even try to leave the school during lunch"

"yeonha, you're back!", eunhi exclaimed as she locked arms with me when i walked into the classroom. "i thought you were missing again"

"i wasn't", i lied. "can i borrow your phone?"

"sure, did you break yours?", she asked and i nodded my head. i opened her contacts and hoped to find a contact of yangyang or jisung. "bingo"

"can i make a call?", i asked and she nodded. i went to the side of the room and called yangyang, hoping he would respond. "hello, eunhi?"

"it's yeonha, i'm here at school", i said and there was a quick silence.

"did they bring jungwoo with them?"

"jungwoo? was he there? i haven't seen him there", i responded. "i just want to get away from him, please"

"don't worry, nct is here", yangyang spoke and ended the call. i tried to call him again but eunhi needed to use her cellphone. i sat down on my chair and waited for the teacher to come in.

time passed and it was lunch. the second that the teacher had dismissed us, i quickly went out and rushed towards the cafeteria, hoping to not bump into jibeom. i felt happy when i saw that jisung was already there at our table. i ran over to him and sat beside him, then hugging him tightly.

"you don't know how happy to see you", i said and broke the hug right after. "do you have a gun?"

"yes, i do", jisung replied and handed me a gun which i hid behind my back. i looked at the entrance of the cafeteria to see jibeom there, his eyes darkening as he spotted me. i was about to get up but then someone bumped into me and pushed me back down to sit.

"i'll handle it", he said. he walked over to jibeom and blocked him from getting any closer to me. A

"move out of the way!", jibeom shouted but he didn't even flinch. instead, he looked over at the person who was eating at the table that was near him and picked up the bowl of noodles. he poured it over jibeom's head and now, he was drenched in ramen soup and noodles.

"oh whoops, i'm sorry", he said sarcastically as a smirk formed on his face. "i thought this was the waste disposal trash can"

"you bastard!", jibeom shouted.

"haechan-hyung really has some guts", jisung said to me.

jibeom grabbed onto haechan's collar and was about to throw punch at him. at the same time, someone from behind jibeom was wearing an all black outfit, cap and a mask. i noticed the knife in his hand and everyone in the cafeteria started screaming and exited the cafeteria. the boy walked towards jibeom from behind and stabbed him.

"i never killed someone, but i think today might be my first", the boy whispered into jibeom's ear. at that moment, gunshots started filling the whole area.

"shit, golden child arrived", jisung said as three people entered the cafeteria. he immediately pushed me under the table and started shooting the people. i peaked out and saw the boy who had just stabbed jibeom approach me and grabbed me by the wrist and dragged me out of the cafeteria. "who are you?"

he didn't respond and made his way up to the school's rooftop and closed the door. when we were on the rooftop, he pulled me into a hug and started crying.

"i thought i wasn't going to see you", he whispered. that's when i knew it, it was the person i wanted to see the most, huang renjun. "i felt like the whole world was against me"

"renjun, i missed you"

he broke the hug and pulled down his mask and took off his cap. he then cupped my cheeks and looked around my face to see if i had any injuries or bruises.

"did they do anything funny to you? did they hurt you? i'll kiss you wherever it hurts", he said worriedly as he kept scanning me from head to toe.

"i'm not hurt but i still want kisses", i said. he chuckled and wiped the tears from his cheeks and leaned in to kiss me but the door from behind bursted open to reveal most of the golden child members there. even jibeom was there with them.

"we're outnumbered", i said and held onto renjun's arm. my eyes diverted to jibeom who was holding a gun pointing it at renjun.

"any last words?", he asked and chuckled.

just then, someone from behind them started shooting them. he walked immediately got their guns and any weapons away from their grasp. he piled them in a corner far from them.

"y'all are motherfucking cockblockers", he cursed. he made eye contact with us and smirked. "they got jungwoo and they're about to leave. they're looking for the two of you so go down already"

"thanks, junseop", i thanked and looked at jaehyun and seungmin, who wasn't shot by junseop.

"i don't care if you let them die or not, it's your choice", junseop said to the two.

"renjun, let's go", i said and pulled him to go already but he suddenly got the gun that i hid behind me and pointed it towards jibeom and shot him once more.

"as for you, i hope you rot in hell"

[a/n: sorry for this shitty chapter :(( i'm having an author's block and i don't know what to write

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[a/n: sorry for this shitty chapter :(( i'm having an author's block and i don't know what to write. but renha ;))) ]

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