chapter 25

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"i'm ready for school", i said as i looked at yangyang who was still eating breakfast

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"i'm ready for school", i said as i looked at yangyang who was still eating breakfast. i looked around for jisung who was nowhere in sight. "where's jisung?"

"he's probably still sleeping", yangyang replied as he took the last bite of his sandwich. i was going to wake him up but realized that he had recently moved out of the dreamies' room along with chenle. i looked at yangyang who stared at me back. "the room right next to taeyong's office"

i nodded and went upstairs to go to jisung's room. i knocked on the door before going in. i opened the door to see that jisung was already dressed but was plopped onto the bed. he had his eyes open and let out deep breaths.

"what're you doing? we're about to leave", i said as i sat on jisung's bed. he looked at me and pouted. "i don't want to go to school though"

"we both have to dread it", i said and ruffled his hair. i pinched his soft mochi cheeks and he groaned. "i don't like people pinching my cheeks"

"shh, i'm an exception. now let's go", i said and dragged him by the ear. he immediately got up and the two of us headed to the main entrance to leave. our bags were there and we put them on. "is everyone ready?"

i nodded and we were waiting for jisung to tie his shoelaces. i felt two arms embrace me from behind, as i already knew who it was.

"huang renjun", i said and he just hummed. he placed his chin on my shoulder as he hugged me tightly. "do you really need to go?"

"it's not like we're letting her die in that place, don't worry", yangyang spoke in chinese. renjun sighed as he broke the hug and turned me around to face him. "don't look at any other boys there except these two"

"i'm not listening to this shit. jisung, let's go in the car", yangyang said and pulled jisung outside to the car. i heard renjun chuckle as his eyes turned back to mine. "just be safe, alright?"

"i will, now go", i said but he held me back. he leaned in to give a peck on my forehead. i was shocked and looked up at him. "wait, i thought jaem—"

"ehem", we heard someone clear their throat and looked around to see jaemin standing there with his hands crossed. he approached us and raised an eyebrow at renjun. he turned back to me and smiled sweetly as he ruffled my hair. "have fun at school"

"i will", i said and looked at jaemin who was glaring at renjun again. i heard jaemin speak before i closed the door. "i need to speak with you"

"hey, i'm older than you", renjun said back. jaemin scoffed and slung his arm over renjun. "and i'm your girlfriend's brother, now deal with it"

i laughed at their conversation and headed to the car where yangyang and jisung were already in. they seated at the back while i sat in the passenger's seat. johnny was the one who decided to drive us to school.

"i'll see you two at lunch, alright?", yangyang questioned and i nodded. he walked me to my classroom along with jisung and i went in. everyone in the room stared at me as two girls approached me. "yeonha! you're safe!"

"i thought you died or got kidnapped, don't ever leave us again", the other one said. i stared at them. are they the friends that chenle told me about? i didn't know how to react so i blurted out my thoughts. "i'm sorry but i don't remember anything and don't remember you two"

everyone in the room was at shock by my statement. i looked stared at them as they had their hand over their mouth.

"i think it's best if you didn't remember. you always were stingy and sad back then", she said. she patted my back and introduced herself. "i'm kim eunhi, while she's ahn jiseo. we're your best friends"

"alright, whatever you say", i said nonchalantly. i asked them where my seat was and they guided me and told me about everything that i needed to know to fit in and adjust in school. we casually talked from time to time during the small breaks we had. "yeonha, let's eat lunch together"

"and we're not taking no as an answer", jiseo said as she and eunhi pulled me towards the cafeteria. i ended up getting separated from them by the crowd. i tried to find them but end up tripping from the amount of students. "ah shit"

i was on my knees as i saw someone bring out their hand to help me get up. i held onto the person's hand and got up. i looked up to see a familiar person. his dark brown hair and well proportioned facial features.

"thanks", i said quickly and left, seeing eunhi and jiseo from afar. i headed to them and they were worried i got lost. we went to the cafeteria and i spotted yangyang and jisung sitting at a table, waving at me. i saw there was a lunch box with them and i asked eunhi and jiseo to come with me to sit with them. "who are these boys?"

"just some friends", i said and sat down. jiseo whispered into my ear as we all sat down on one side. "that boy on the left looks cute"

"i can't hear you if you whisper", i said. she spoke up in a different language, which was chinese. "the boy with brown hair is cute"

"thank you", yangyang thanked back in chinese. she was shocked to see that he understood. she just ended up dragging eunhi to the line to get food. i stared at the lunch box that was there. "jaemin-hyung made it"

"what took you so long?", yangyang asked and i shrugged, opening the lunch box to see that my favorite food was there. "i asked, what took you so long?"

"i saw someone from my dreams here", i said as i started eating. "i'm not sure if it was a flashback or dream though but that guy liked me"

"oh shit he's here", jisung said as i felt my phone buzz. i see that it was a call from taeyong so i picked it up.

"hey yeonha, it may sound really weird but did jisung just curse? i have a seventh sense", he said and i chuckled. "yeah, he did"

"tell him he's grounded"

"you're grounded, jisung", i said as taeyong ended the call.

"what?! i just cursed", he muttered and pouted.

[a/n: i forgot to update im sorry :(( and it's quite rushed

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[a/n: i forgot to update im sorry :(( and it's quite rushed. i was focusing on my twt au. anyways, tune into renra today!<3]

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