chapter 6

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yeonha's pov

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yeonha's pov

a week had passed and they had finally taken off the cast on my left leg and the bandage around my head. they cleaned the open wounds and applied bandages to them. i was slowly getting better, but i haven't gotten the strength to walk by myself.

i upgraded from the wheel chair to a pair of crutches. i can finally speak more than before, which stunned kun and taeil.

"well that's everything buttercup, you're completely healthy" kun said with a smile.

"just practice walking with your crutches until you can properly use your left leg" taeil advised and i nodded.

"thank you so much" i thanked.

"you can start sleeping on a normal bed now and you can change out of the hospital gown" kun said.

"do i have clothes here or..." i trailed and they looked at each other.

"oh, uhm, the four will buy you clothes since you hated your old clothes anyways" taeil responded.

"who, 'four'?" i questioned. kun looked at me and replied. "renjun, jaemin, jeno and hyuck."

"anyways, winwin will be here to talk with you for now" taeil said. "we gotta go, stay healthy, yeonha"

"will do" i replied and moved the wheeled bed to the side while i laid down on the built in bed. "what life do i have?"

a knock came upon my door and there peaked out was a guy who seemed so familiar. i just couldn't put my finger on who it was. it was that winwin guy that taeil had said who will talk with me to keep company, but i've definitely seen him before.

all that thinking ended up with a headache, making my hand go towards my head, applying pressure.

"that hurts, jesus" i muttered. winwin approached me slowly as he looked down on me. "are you alright?"

"yeah, just thought too much" i replied.

"wait, i didn't get to introduce myself properly" he had said. "dong sicheng, at your service"

"what are you, a butler?" i chuckled. "it's na yeonha"

"so what'd you wanna talk about?" he asked.

"well, i kinda want you to tell me more about life" i replied, curiosity of the life i used to lead came seeping in.

"right, they also told me to update you on it" sicheng told me, then taking a seat on a chair nearby. "first of all, our psychologist and doctor, qian kun, has suggested that you write in a diary if you remember any small details, so that he can keep track"

"alright, but what about you guys? what do you guys do for a living?" my curiosity couldn't keep still as it was a thought that remained in my mind without rest since i saw all of them.

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