chapter 15

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"i need another cup of coffee", i muttered as i massaged my temples

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"i need another cup of coffee", i muttered as i massaged my temples. it's almost 2am and i was still hacking into the laptop, no progress at all. "why does it have to be due tomor— i mean today"

i got up from my chair and headed towards the kitchen to see jaemin in front of the coffee machine. he looked at me in shock, probably since i was still awake.

"why're you still up?", he asked and i just hummed. i walked towards him and placed my head against his chest, closing my eyes. "i'm hacking something that renjun wants at lunch"

"i'll add extra shots to yours", he said and patted my back. we stayed in that position until the coffee machine was done making coffee, "sit down on the couch, i'll give the coffee to you in a bit"

i headed towards the living room and laid back on the couch. my eyes were close to closing to take a nap but i fought it back. i kept pinching my cheeks to stay awake.

"your cheeks are going to start to flush if you do that", i heard jaemin say as i opened my eyes to see him holding to glasses of coffee. i took the coffee from his hand and drank it. "it wakes you up good"

"make sure to drink a lot of water after drinking that", jaemin reminded me and i nodded. i stood up and remembered the laptop. "i'll get going first, good night bro"

"good night to you, sis", jaemin greeted and i left the living room and went back up to the first floor of the house. i stood in the middle of the lounge room, drinking more coffee. in the midst of it, i felt a rush of sleepiness take over me, letting me close my eyes for too long, nearly falling asleep while standing. "you should focus on drinking your coffee than sleeping right now"

i opened my eyes to see haechan with a gun in his hand. my eyes widened seeing the gun, making me wake up a bit. he chuckled at my reaction and brought the gun to my right shoulder. i gulped and saw his eyes darken.

"hyuck, that's enough", another scolded, i turn around to see mark standing not that far from us. haechan pulled the gun away from me and complained. "you're no fun, but at least she's awake"

"excuse hyuck, he's just really cheeky", mark said as haechan just shrugged. i nodded and quickly went back to my room, absorbing everything. "at least he did wake me up"

i went back to hacking and the moment it struck eight, i finally hacked the laptop, only needing the information now. i got the flashdrive that renjun gave me yesterday and started saving the files i needed. i was finally finished.

bestest bro🐰💚

don't forget to eat breakfast~ 💚
i can't be there since i have a mission
in the early morning (。T ω T。)
love you sis~~

will do, keep safe <3

i pocketed my phone and headed towards the kitchen that was in the basement. i went down and saw most of them were in the living room while some were in the dining area. i sat next to jeno and placed my head on his shoulder.

"let me get at least five minutes of sleep", i said and closed my eyes. jeno didn't mind the action as he was growing fond of the girl being this clingy. "alright, whatever you say"

"what's wrong with her?", a voice asked and i recognized it, their leader. "hyung, she didn't get a wink last night"

"i could relate, i haven't slept in two days", taeyong said as i heard him take a seat. "just because you're a jaemin's sister, doesn't mean i'll go easy on you"

"just because you're a boy, doesn't mean i can't make you feel period pain", i spat and opened my eyes to see his eyes widen at me. "is there any update about me?"

"well, chenle and the others have been staying at our busan base the past few days", taeyong updated me about the situation. "but we really need your memories so that we know our next action"

"oh, i'll try to remember soon", i told him.

i finished eating breakfast and headed up to my room, bring the laptop and flashdrive to renjun's office. i punched in the passcode and opened the door, revealing renjun who was wearing a headset.

"jaemin, there's people at your right. lucas, more are coming to your area", he spoke into the mic. i stared at him for a while but his eyes didn't leave the screen. "jaemin, get out of there, you're gonna get severely hurt, there's too many of them!"

i bit my lip as i heard those words from renjun, who probably didn't notice my presence.

"i'm only one person! i can't focus on all of you", renjun said quite loudly. a wash of guilt came at me. if only i knew how to do it, i would be able to help. "lucas, stop. the two of you need to reunite with the others. you have to go back with 127, the two of you went in too far"

"i'll monitor the two of you until you go back", renjun said as he looked carefully at the screen. "jaemin, lucas, watch out!"

renjun's face completely changed as he did something.

"taeil, jaemin has been shot twice, lucas got stabbed in the stomach", he informed as he held the mic closer to him. "it's my fault, i'm sorry"

"it's not your fault", i said and approached his desk. he looked up quickly to meet eyes with me. i got the extra headset and connected it. "i'll try to help you with it. just don't blame yourself please"

i looked closely to the screen then back at renjun who was still staring at me.

"it's not the best time to be all flirty and caring right now", yuta said through his in ear. "tell kun to ready all the medical supplies"

 "tell kun to ready all the medical supplies"

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