chapter 2

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"why'd you call a meeting, boss?" johnny asked

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"why'd you call a meeting, boss?" johnny asked.

"yeah, same thing" doyoung agreed, looking at the older boy.

"well, we've got ourselves in a sticky situation" taeyong then proceeded to spill all the details about the girl and the mission.

"so, you're saying, she looks exactly like kieun?" jaehyun asked, placing his chin on his hand as he analyzed the situation.

"well, according to chenle, the features are a bit off but you could say so" taeyong replied.

"so what do we need to do?" johnny asked.

"well, first of all, we need to know who was the group that attacked ours while trying to kill the target and how we'll use the girl" taeyong replied. "chenle and renjun are currently getting information"

"as of what i know, jisung told me recently that it was ateez who had attacked them" doyoung informed. "specifically, seonghwa was the one to hit the girl"

"i told jisung not to tell anyone" taeyong muttered. "anyways, we'll probably just use her as just another hostage, making her dad give us money to give her back to him"

"alright, we'll set up everything" jaehyun said.

"things will continue as normal, pretend we didn't have her case, because the topic is really heavy for jaemin and lucas, you know how much they loved her", taeyong reminded. "anyways, johnny, give us an update on the negotiations, our allies and enemies"

"negotiations are doing well and we've gotten more firearms from sellers. our allies, seventeen and the boyz have been alright" johnny explained. "our enemies, on the other hand, as you know ateez came to cause some trouble with lucas' mission and golden child has been lying low these days"

"alright, let's end the meeting" taeyong said and dismissed them.

the next day

chenle went out to meet the contacts that seemed the most important in the contact lists and the ones renjun had sent pictures of from yeonha's gallery, the ones who looked closest to the girl. they were ahn jiseo and kim eunhi along with the contact im jaesoo.

he first made a date with the two girls at the local park nearby their school. it was easy to ask them, since it was about yeonha. he waited at the bench where they decided to meet and he saw them approaching him.

"hey, you're hwang jisun right?" jiseo had asked.

rule number one, don't give your real name.

"yes, i'm yeonha's long time friend, since we were kids" chenle had replied. the girl eyed the boy, looking at him from top to bottom.

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