chapter 21

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i managed to fall asleep next to renjun and it was probably the best sleep i had the past few days

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i managed to fall asleep next to renjun and it was probably the best sleep i had the past few days. i ended up waking up from the sound of the keypad buttons being pushed. i opened my eyes as i heard people walk in.

"hey renjun-hyung i—"

"holy shi—", i recognized the familiar voice as jisung. i looked up to see chenle's hand covering jisung's mouth as they stared at the two of us. "renjun told me to stay by his side, don't think of anything more"

"but what if i want them to think of anything more?", my head shot to renjun who was wide awake with a smirk on his face. i quickly got off the couch and stood up to face chenle and jisung. "why're the two of you here anyways?"

"we could ask you the same but you already said why but taeyong-hyung said that you need to train", jisung explained. "he said that you might have gotten soft and weak since you stayed in your room for too long without training"

"alright, who's there at the training area?", i asked and jisung thought about it for a while. "i think jeno and hyuck are there, along with winwin and ten"

"i'm coming to train with you as well", renjun said as he got up. he stumbled a bit due to the amount of alcohol he drank last night. chenle just slowly shook his head at him. "you're not going with her, we have things to do"

"can't we postpone it another day?", renjun asked but chenle shook his head once again. "no, it's really important"

"anyways, i'll leave first", i told them as i walked towards the door. "renjun, can you hurry up and give me my last mission?"

"uh, sure i'll work on it first", he replied and i left his office, heading towards my room to change into my training wear and went to the training area to see ten and hyuck fighting. "i told you that you just cheated earlier!"

"no, i didn't!", hyuck shouted in defense. i looked at winwin and jeno who were just letting the two fight, not giving a single damn. i sat in the space between winwin and jeno and whispered. "what happened to them?"

"ten lost to hyuck and he's saying that hyuck cheated somehow", winwin said with disappointment present in his voice. "jeno and i have completely given up on the two of them"

"well, let's start training then", i said and pulled the two of them away from the two who were fighting. "you guys pick what we're gonna train for today"

"i feel like my legs are about to give up", i said as i sat down on the bench. winwin gave me a cup of water and i drank it all in one go. i breathed heavily as i tried to catch my breath. "that was intense training"

"yeah, we should rest for a bit", jeno said as he leaned back on the wall, wiping his sweat off with his face towel. he placed it on his shoulder and looked at winwin and i as we sat on the bench. "yeonha, don't you ever wonder about your old life? have you remembered anything yet?"

i shook my head in response. sadly, i haven't recalled any memories of my life before ending up here. i tried my best thinking but it never came.

"don't worry, yeonha, i'm sure you'll remember", winwin said as he patted my back and smiled. i felt comforted by the two of them, as i was closest to them. "you should take a shower now. we still have to eat dinner"

"i can't join the two of you, i'm sorry. taeyong messaged me earlier that i have a night mission", jeno said and it made me frown. "i need to start readying myself, eat well, the two of you"

winwin and i nodded, we all ended up separating ways. winwin headed towards his room while i went to mine as jeno headed to the gear room to gear up for his mission.

"let's take a quick shower and eat", i mumbled to myself as i got some clothes and headed to the bathroom to take a shower.

i finished showering and towel-dried my hair. i glanced at my phone to see that it was 7pm, so i went out to eat dinner. as i went out of my room, i looked at the door of renjun's office.

"did he eat dinner yet?", i asked myself. i punched in the password and opened the door. "hey renjun did you—"

"oh holy shit", i cursed as i saw chenle sitting on renjun's back. renjun was on the floor laying on his chest as he was being crushed by chenle while jisung was there poking his index finger into renjun's jeans pocket. "what the heck are you all doing"

hyuck was standing there laughing his ass off as yangyang was laughing as well, but he was taking pictures of the whole scene that was going on.

"renjun-hyung lost the bet so he can't tell us to stop annoying him for five minutes straight", jisung explained. "he has a minute left"

"well, i was going to ask renjun to eat dinner but i see that he's occupied", i said and just stared at them. i could see that renjun's face was turning red, especially his ears. "can you get off? i'm embarrassed. we just finished our meeting but i didn't ask for this hell hole of a punishment"

"it's not our fault that you kept looking at the cctv footage of the training area", yangyang said as he stopped taking pictures. i looked at hyuck who spoke up. "well, it was obvious that he was jealous of jeno and winwin who were with you for half of the day that he broke a pen"

"yeonha, you should've seen the look on his face, i thought he would kill a person", chenle said and started laughing. i just saw renjun cover his face and turned away from me. i heard an alarm go off and all of them ran by me, heading out of the door. "well that was fast"

"they're getting killed by me one day", renjun groaned as he got up and stretching his sore body. "i'm sorry about them, i feel really embarrassed to even look at you now"

"possessive much though?", i decided to tease him about what chenle had said earlier. he pulled a smirk up on his face as he walked towards me. he stopped a meter away from me. "why? do you find it hot?"

"yeah, i'm not eating dinner with you. just give the mission, alright?", i said and quickly made my way out of his office, shutting the door and running towards the lounge. "what the actual fuck"

[ a/n: any member in particular who you wanna see more in the next few chapters?? i noticed y'all comment on those scenes if u know what i mean and funny scenes so i'm trynna do more of those <3 ]

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[ a/n: any member in particular who you wanna see more in the next few chapters?? i noticed y'all comment on those scenes if u know what i mean and funny scenes so i'm trynna do more of those <3 ]

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