chapter 9

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third person of view

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third person of view

jaemin had entered taeyong's office, seeing there were others gathered already. ten, renjun, chenle, yukhei, sicheng and yuta all there.

"good you came" taeyong said. "okay, i gathered this meeting to tell you all, you have a mission together"

jaemin had sat down next to renjun, who had his whole attention on taeyong while he was speaking.

"so, i talked with chenle" taeyong said. "the notebook he received from yeonha's two friends, contained the ripped picture. also, the notebook was like a diary, but some pages were torn out of the notebook"

"could it have been her friends?" yuta voiced.

"no, they said that they remember seeing yeonha tearing it out herself, while crying" chenle replied. "it was the day she got hit"

"how come? do they know why?" renjun asked.

"they don't, they just remember her acting really weird that day" chenle replied.

"going back, to what i was supposed to say" taeyong said and pulled out a box from his drawer. "someone is trying to mess with us"

"do you have any thoughts about who it may be?" ten asked.

"i don't know, it could be anyone" taeyong replied. "that's why you are all here"

"but why so many of us?" jaemin asked.

"renjun will be in charge of hacking into the delivery services' website and track where it came from. chenle will try to talk with the employees working that day, yuta and sicheng will accompany him" taeyong explained. "ten will ask the foreign gangs if they sent it and handle with it if so, while yukhei and jaemin will go try to find a meaning to all this, ask local florists and mineralogists what these may mean"

taeyong opened the box, showing a single flower and a gem.

"it looks more like a gift to me, boss" yukhei said.

"we can never be so sure, yukhei" ten said. "it's best if we make sure"

"also, renjun, since you'll be staying here by yourself again, you have to watch over yeonha again"

"what am i now? a babysitter?" renjun questioned and received a small punch on the leg from jaemin. "what about the others?"

"she's just going to stay in your hacking room anyways, she won't break anything" taeyong said. "hyuck, jaehyun, mark, johnny and i are going to meet up with some suppliers and the others are in china, taking care of our other headquarters"

"if only jungwoo-hyung was here" renjun sighed. "did he get cleared yet?"

"no, but he contacted me recently, the cancer is slowly being healed" taeyong replied.

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