chapter 12

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"wake up"

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"wake up"

i woke up to see renjun standing in front of my eyes and bed. he was all dressed up and held his phone in his hand.

"what is it?" i asked, clearly not in the mood for any of his business.

"we're going out to possibly trigger your memory" renjun replied. "taeyong's order"

"i'll be out in 10, just give me some time to wake up properly" i said and cuddled my pillow, nearly falling asleep again.

"you said that" he said and walked out of the room.

it's been around 4 days since renjun and i had the whole wattpad fiasco. we've gotten close in those 4 days, especially since he had to teach me some basic hacking and knowledge about the whole gang.

i also haven't seen jaemin ever since, along with a few of the members. they've been in and out of the house. the one who stayed the longest here were chenle and xiaojun, and that was because they were looking for files.

i forced myself up and took a quick shower. i wore shorts and a hoodie that the boys had bought the first time around. i was surprised by renjun, who was sitting on my bed, on his phone.

"god, you scared me" i said. "don't you know anything about privacy?"

he looked up to me and stared, "says the girl who casually enters my office from time to time", i was guilty on that part.

"it's not my fault that i know the passcode" i defended. there were a few rooms that had special password locked doors, like renjun's office, taeyong's office and the room where all the documents were kept. i only knew the password to renjun's office.

"then i'll change it then" renjun replied.

"no! i like hanging in your office" i said. "it's boring being all alone here, we're the only two in this house for the past four days"

"forget it, let's just go" renjun said and went towards the garage. i followed him, walking and taking big steps, limping from time to time. we reached the garage and got into a black car.

"you know how to drive?" i asked.

"duh, i'm 18" he replied. "but i've been driving since i was 16, thanks to fake licenses"

"crash and you'll die" i said to him as i buckled my seatbelt.

"what do you mean? we're both dying if we crash" he said.

"you know what, just focus on driving" i told him and just went to check on my phone.

"we're here" renjun announced. we were at a park nearby my school.

"so i hung out here often after school?" i questioned, receiving a nod in response. "let's walk around"

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