chapter 27

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"yeonha, how could you use my wallet without my permission", jaemin nagged at me for the nth time today

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"yeonha, how could you use my wallet without my permission", jaemin nagged at me for the nth time today. it was the day after the mission and we were currently in the living room despite the heat. "first, you bought starbucks without even buying me anything. do you know how much i love my iced americano with 4 extra shots?"

"uhm no", i replied and slowly handed back his wallet. jaemin scoffed as he sat beside me. he had his arms crossed and a pout was present on his face. i laughed at his demeanor. "what are you, a five year old?"

"i mean, i'd rather have a five year old jaemin than five jaemins", renjun said as he plopped beside me. he pulled me closer to him as he hugged me like a sloth hugging onto a branch.

"hey, stop taking her away from me whenever we bond", jaemin complained. "you keep having couple time that i can't even spend tine with her. she's the only family member i have left"

"and i don't have a family anymore", renjun said nonchalantly as if he wasn't hurt by it. the mood went down as renjun kept clinging onto me as jaemin just stared at us.

"alright, i'm leaving. i'm not being a third wheel here", jaemin said as he held up his hands, stood up and left. i faced renjun who was still clinging onto me. "why're you being so clingy?"

"you weren't here for half the day, why wouldn't i be?", he questioned and i just sighed. i hugged him back and broke it soon after when i started to feel sleepy. i stood up and i could feel renjun's eyes staring at me. "where are you going?"

"i'm going to my room for a nap", i said and headed towards the door. he stared at me with a sad look on his face. "you can just take a nap with me here in the living room"

"renjun, don't you have things to hack?", i asked and he slowly nodded his head. i sighed as i looked at the door and back at renjun. "hack first, your job is more important right now"

with that, i left the living room and headed up to my room. i locked the door and got some clothes to change out of my school uniform. i went in the bathroom to change and plopped onto my bed afterwards.

"okay, let's hope i fall asleep and wake up when it's morning", i said as i tucked myself in bed. i stared at the ceiling as i thought about the words that renjun said earlier about not having a family. i soon got lost into a train of thoughts and eventually fell asleep.

i woke up and opened my eyes to an almost pitch black room. i searched for my phone and opened it, seeing that it was  2am. i facepalmed myself as i wasn't able to wake up later. i started to get scared by the silence and darkness. i would always get paranoid whenever i saw something move in my room.

"what should i do?", i asked myself and i immediately opened jaemin's contact in my phone.

my source of money🤧❤️

my lovely brother
are you still awake?

so, i'm scared
can i go to your room?

didn't know you were scared
of the dark

i quickly got out of my sheets and turned on the flashlight on my phone as i somehow made it to his room. i slowly opened the door and spotted jaemin who was on the bottom bunk, playing on his phone. i made my way to his bed and sat on it.

"so you wanted to sleep here?", he asked and i nodded. he then started to make space for me on his bed so that i can sleep beside him but i had another thought in mind. as he was doing that, i stared at a certain top bunk that belonged to someone. i also heard haechan and jeno's snores in the room.

"actually, i have another thought", i said to jaemin. despite the darkness, i was still able to see his face. i saw him raise an eyebrow and he spoke up. "so you wanna sleep with your boyfriend?"

i nodded my head and he sighed, as if he was slightly mad at me. he pushed me off of his bed and i fell on the floor.

"go to your boyfriend", he said as i could hear the jealousy in his tone. i chuckled and luckily i didn't hit the floor too hard for them to wake up. "thank you, my favorite brother"

"your only brother", he corrected.

"yeah yeah", i said and slowly made my way up to renjun's bed. he was hugging onto a pillow and was sleeping on his side. he was wearing the hoodie i bought him and that made me smile. "he's even cute when he sleeps"

i placed myself next to him and stared at him. he was sleeping much better than he used to. i saw that his blanket had came off so i covered him with his blanket.

"h-hyuck, go back to your own bed", he said half-asleep. i giggled at his half-asleep self and decided to respond. "but i'm not hyuck"

i tried to get the pillow out of his grasp and it completely failed and i ended up waking him up. he stared at me and blinked his eyes a couple of types, probably thinking that he was seeing things.

"why're you here?", he asked as he poked my cheek to see if i was real. i tried to hold back a laugh as i dealt with this side of his. "why? do you not want me here?"

"i mean, i'm not complaining", he said, starting to get cocky with his words. i rolled my eyes and just cuddled with him. he stroked my hair. "but seriously, why are you here?"

"i'm scared of the dark", i said and he just chuckled.

"that's cute", he said and yawned. "i'm already sleepy"

"then sleep", i replied back. i stared at his eyes and then my eyes landed on his lips. i knew that jaemin was still awake but i couldn't follow his rules. i leaned in and gave renjun a peck on the lips and immediately buried my face into his chest. "goodnight, renjun"

i didn't hear a reply back from renjun as he completely froze. i could already imagine him smiling widely. he suddenly pulled me even closer to him and hugged me tighter.

"goodnight, love"

"goodnight, love"

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