chapter 14

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"renjun, i can go up myself", i said for the nth time, but renjun was still arguing that i would fall down

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"renjun, i can go up myself", i said for the nth time, but renjun was still arguing that i would fall down. he ended up holding my wrist as the two of us went up. "now you can let go, thank you"

the two of us walked to the clinic room they had which stored different medications, it's where most of them would go for minor injuries after every mission. i opened the door and went in, looking for taeil or kun to be there, but they were nowhere in sight.

"i guess they're not here", renjun said as he went towards a specific area to get something. "i'll treat you then"

"how would i trust you when you're only a hacker?", i questioned him as i sat down on the medical bed. he turned around to face me as he held an ice pack in his hands. "all of us here knows basic med care, we wouldn't go on a battlefield without knowing basic knowledge, yeonha"

i shrugged instead of agreeing, because i didn't want to hurt my pride. renjun walked up to me and gave me the ice pack.

"put it on your knee, where the bruise is", he said and went to the medication shelf, getting a few pills and heading back to me. "drink these, they're vitamins"

"are you sure they're vitamins? not the pill thingy that jaemin told me about?", i questioned, still being cautious from what jaemin told me earlier. he raised an eyebrow at me. "you don't trust me?"

"says the person who wanted me to die when i first came here", i said sarcastically, adjusting my position to place the ice pack. renjun took my free hand, opening it and placing the pills on my palm, then closed my hand. "i should know, i think i overworked myself enough to know what to do when these things happen"

without saying another word, he left the room, leaving me guilty. i opened my hand, staring at the pills. i got off the bed, leaving the ice pack there as i went to get a glass of water. i took one of the pills and swallowed it with the water.

i headed back to the bed, sitting down and placed the ice pack back on my knee. i sighed and thought about how renjun reacted earlier, still remembering his blank and empty face he showed.

"i should apologize, i feel like a shit bag after he cared for me", i muttered and felt a buzz from my phone that was in my pocket. i checked it and saw renjun's contact appear.


i need to teach u some things
abt in-ears and handling missions
rest for two hours and come back exactly
at 5 pm, alright?

seen at 2:47pm

i set an alarm at 4:45pm and closed my phone and pocketed it. i laid down and closed my eyes, letting myself take a nap.

"that damn ugly ass alarm sound"

i groaned and opened my eyes, taking out my phone to see that it was 4:47pm. i sat up and wasted three minutes of just staring at the wall. i soon got up and placed the ice pack on the desk.

"i really shouldn't have overworked myself", i mumbled as i stretched. i got out of the clinic and sluggishly headed towards renjun's office which was far from where the clinic was. as i was walking, i bumped into someone. "i'm sorry, yeonha"

i look up to see a tired yangyang. he had sweat dripping down his forehead as his left hand was holding on tightly to his shoulder.

"what happened?", i asked full of concern. he tried to pull a smile but he couldn't. "jisung and i returned most of the hostages today. some of them came armed and shot us. thankfully, jisung is alright"

"get well, yangyang", i said and he nodded. i proceeded to renjun's office, punching in his password and went in. he was laying back on his chair. his hair was wet, probably finished taking a shower and he had his glasses on as always. "sit here"

he pointed to the chair next to him and i nodded. i sat down on the chair as he got something from his drawer. it was a headset that had a mic.

"you'll need this when communicating with the members on missions. the members wear in-ears when they go on dangerous missions", he explained. "i'll teach you how to use and wear it"

he pulled the wheeled chair closer to him. he put my hair back behind my ears and proceeded to help me with the headset. he leaned in closer as he adjusted the mic to my lips. i stared at him the whole time, his eyes specifically. he was already done fixing the mic but he was staring at something else near it.

"are you done fixing it?", i asked him, feeling my face burn up. he immediately backed away and faced the screen of his computer. he cleared his voice and spoke. "i thought the mic was busted, i was taking a closer look"

i decided not to protest against him, as i was already flustered by the whole situation. he started explaining everything i needed to know, from how to check the area and guide the members.

"alright, i'll give you your first task", he said and got out a laptop. he placed it on his desk and opened it. "hack into this locked laptop and find these information"

he handed me a sticky note that had three things written down on it.

"addresses, members and anything good?", i questioned. i wasn't sure what he meant by 'anything good'. he chuckled and closed the laptop. "why? you thought of something else?"

"no, why? maybe you did", i replied and he just shrugged. "just anything that'll come in handy. get it done by lunch tomorrow"

"tomorrow?!", i questioned in total shock. a smirk appeared on his face. "why? do you have a problem with it?"

i shook my head and grabbed the laptop, heading out of the room, not wanting to deal with his annoying side. i looked back at him, who was staring back at me.

"renjun, i have a question", i said and he didn't respond but gestured me to say it. "have you ever killed someone?"

it took him a while to reply. he was biting down on his lower lip, head drooping down. then, his head shot up.

"no, i've never killed anyone. yet"

[a/n]the teaser is out, im excited for punch!! im probably going to update daily now!!

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the teaser is out, im excited for punch!! im probably going to update daily now!!

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