chapter 24

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"what should i do?", i asked myself as i stared at renjun who was still soundly sleeping on his couch

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"what should i do?", i asked myself as i stared at renjun who was still soundly sleeping on his couch. i managed to make myself fit on the couch next to him and i hugged him tightly. i was surprised he hasn't woken up yet. "good night, renjun"

"babe, come on", he said. i pulled my arm away from him and walked away, almost running. he caught up with me and pulled me into a back hug. "please, i'm sorry"

i could feel his breath against my neck as he hugged me. his scent lingered in my nostrils, the scent of a certain type of musk.

"please, i don't want to be with you anymore", i told him sternly. "i hate everything, i don't like any of this. i wish i had a normal life, so can you stop making it less normal?"

"shut up!", he shouted into my ear which caused me to flinch and run out of his arms, but failed as he was stronger. "let's go back to the base"

"i told you that i don't want to go there anymore, especially with you", i said. "you're a psycho, an obsessed person, might as well a yandere",

"why? i just want to love you", he said. "and i'm not letting anyone take you from me, i'll kill them if i have to"

"yeonha, wake up, you're having a nightmare", a voice said as i opened my eyes to see renjun still beside me on the couch. "are you alright? you've been mumbling a lot of things"

"i just had a weird dream", i lied, hoping he wouldn't worry. he just ruffled my hair and stared at me. "why did you sleep here though?"

"i wonder why as well", i said sarcastically and he raised an eyebrow. he stared at me and the computer and back. "did you solve it?"

"perhaps, take a guess", i said and he pulled me into a hug. "renj—"

"did i ever say i love you?", he asked me and i just laughed. "stop being cringy"

"well, you're the only one who can make me this cringy, so blame yourself for it, love", he whispered it into my ear and i felt shivers go down my spine. "renjun, stop, i want to eat breakfast"

"let's eat breakfast together then", he said and i nodded. we got off the couch and i felt a hand hold onto mine and intertwined our fingers. "i think i like my life now, since you're here"

"stop with those lines or i'll let go of your hand", i said and he immediately shut up. we walked towards the lounge and saw wayv preparing to go on a mission. they looked at us and eyed our hands that were hand-in-hand.

"so y'all are dating?", xiaojun asked and the two of us nodded. ten put his cup of tea down as he looked at xiaojun. "no shit, they aren't dating based off of them holding hands and being around with each other everyday"

"damn, who got him so moody this early?", i asked and kun sighed. "i tried making him eat fruits"

"well, it isn't my fault fruits are so scary", ten said as he placed the gun in his duty belt. yangyang laughed at him and spoke. "what're you going to do then? shoot them?"

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