chapter 26

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"we're going home now?", i asked and johnny nodded

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"we're going home now?", i asked and johnny nodded. the three of us just finished school and spotted johnny at the school's parking lot, there waiting for us. "can we stop by the mall quickly?"

"what do you need to but anyways?", yangyang asked and i just smiled. he shook his head and wore his airpods. johnny looked at me for a while as he started the engine. "be quick, alright?"

"i will", i said and johnny drove to the nearest mall and asked the two boys to accompany me. we walked towards the department store and i immediately looked for hoodies. i found two matching hoodies that i planned to buy it for renjun and myself. "shit, they're going to be a cringy couple, i bet it"

i rolled my eyes at yangyang who commented on what i was doing. i got out a wallet from my bag, which was jaemin's wallet. yangyang and jisung stared at the familiar wallet.

"isn't that jaemin's? how did you get it?", yangyang asked and i chuckled. i remember when jaemin was distracted during breakfast and i was able to snatch it before he placed his plate in the sink. "i have my ways"

"can you buy me a nintendo switch with his credit card?", jisung asked as he pointed to the wallet. i shook my head, not wanting to get scolded by my brother. "i can't do that, but i can buy starbucks"

"alright, deal", jisung said and i went to pay for the hoodies while the two stayed near me. while i was playing, i saw that yangyang got a call so he had to go to a more private area away from the people in the department store. i finished paying so i dragged jisung to the starbucks to order some drinks. "i'll get an ice choco"

"alright, take a seat somewhere, i'll order for you all", i said to jisung and he nodded, heading to a table. i quickly made an order and i waited for them to call for me. jisung and i were chatting about school until i heard my name being called, so i headed over to the counter to claim the drinks. "thank you"

i looked back at where jisung was and saw that yangyang just arrived and pulled jisung to leave starbucks and signaled me to follow. we ended up in the parking lot of the mall and headed to where johnny had parked. i caught up with yangyang and jisung who were slightly ahead of me.

"what happened?", i asked yangyang. he looked over at me and told me to wait until we got into the car. johnny already had the car started as we hopped inside. "so what happened?"

"we have an emergency mission and it's urgent", yangyang informed me and i nodded. i gave jisung his ice choco and he quietly sipped on it. yangyang was busy with his phone, not minding the drink while johnny was frantically looking at the time and the road. "make sure you buckle your seatbelts, i'm going to step on it now"

"so why is there an emergency mission?", i asked as i held on tightly. i looked over to yangyang and jisung who were holding onto the handles. he looked at me as he replied. "we were supposed to have it tomorrow but we're going to have a power outage tomorrow. we need you and renjun to guide us on this mission"

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