chapter 30

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"what did you say?", renjun asked as he looked up from his computer screen

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"what did you say?", renjun asked as he looked up from his computer screen. he was currently trying to hack into a website. chenle bit his upper lip as he didn't want to repeat it. "yeonha has been kidnapped by golden child"

"motherfucker", renjun cursed and rushed out of his office. he immediately headed to taeyong's office to see jaemin freaking out while jeno and haechan sat quietly on the couch. johnny was trying to keep his cool as well as ten.

"so they asked for their dick to be cut off, i see", haechan cursed as he was loading his gun with ammo. ten couldn't keep his mouth shut for any longer and spoke. "they want tea? i'll give them fucking tea with my gun"

"i have a car and i'm not afraid to run them over with it", johnny joined in.

"everyone, we need to start planning", taeyong said as he was thinking of a plan. "renjun, try to find their base and hack into their security cameras. ten, tell wayv to prepare as well as 127"

"lastly, the dreamies have to find shin junseop", taeyong said.

"why do we need him? how is he even connected to us?!", jaemin asked as he wanted to get into the base of golden child and get back jungwoo and yeonha. taeyong sighed and knew that everyone wanted to get back their two members. "jaemin, as i was reading kieun's journal, i found out that she was helping him find his little half brother. that was the only reason he joined the gang life, because he knew his brother was taken in by them"

"so? who is that gang anyways? how are we connected to them?", jeno asked.

"we are that gang, jeno. who is the only one who has no background of who his family is?", taeyong asked jeno. "zhong chenle, he's related to junseop"

"really? does chenle know? does junseop know?", jeno asked.

"only junseop knows", taeyong replied.

"let's start working, i want yeonha back in this base by tomorrow", renjun said seriously as he walked out of the room, heading towards his office to start hacking. he sat down on his chair and immediately started to trace their base down. "they're not fucking getting away with this"

i felt myself gain consciousness as i slowly opened my eyes and took notice of the handcuffs on one of my hands. i was handcuffed to a metal railing. the dimly lit room was something that was familiar to me, but unfamiliar at the same time. i used my freehand to try to find something near me to open the cuffs.

"fucking shit, i just want to go back home", i muttered and tried to pull the cuffs multiple times but it wasn't going to break any time soon. "please tell me this is all a dream"

i heard the door being unlocked as i tried to make out the face of the person who just entered the room. his icy blond hair made me recognize him. it wasn't the guy who liked me, but the guy who i had a flashback of. i didn't mind him and got the bobby pin from my hair and tried to pick the lock.

"i got it", i muttered as i opened the cuffs. i had to thank haechan one day because he was the one who had taught me this. i quickly got out of the cuffs and tried to run past the guy but he held onto my wrist preventing me to go even further.

"to see you be like this, i'm sure you haven't gotten your memory back", the guy said. i looked at him and saw the sad smile on his face. "you've forgotten everything"

"i guess it was better that way", i said and tried to pull my wrist away from him. i saw that he had a gun in his gun belt bag and i got it and cocked the gun, pointing it at him. he raised his hands and looked at me. "yeonha, you can pull the trigger if you want, but remember that i'm the only one who can help you escape this place"

"how can i trust you?", i asked as i was ready to pull the trigger. he was not phased by the whole situation but calmly took out his phone and opened it to his gallery and showed me a video of myself, or who i thought was me. "this was a video back then, when kieun reached out to me. kieun, junseop and i worked on getting you out of here"

"that's a video of kieun, isn't it?", i questioned and he nodded. i slowly put down the gun and looked closer at the screen to see that it was a clip of kieun, junseop and bong jaehyun in a video call.

"alright, jaehyun, make sure that you distract them", kieun said. "junseop and i will make our way in there"

"of course", jaehyun replied.

it was a short clip but it made me believe that he had good intentions. i placed the gun down on the bed that was in the room and stared at him for a while.

"i'll make sure you get out again", he said as he pocketed his phone. he was about to leave until i called him. "jaehyun, can i ask you what happened on the night i got into an accident?"

"you broke up with jibeom that night and you called junseop to pick you up. you had him drop you off somewhere which was an alley. you didn't want to go home right away so you decided to take a detour", he explained. "you ended up going to the place where nct and ateez were having a battle. one of the members of ateez accidentally crashed into you with their car"

"then what happened?", i asked. he sighed trying to remember everything. "that's when ateez fled and nct chased after them"

"then how did i end up going to the hospital?", i asked.

"junseop and i were trying to find you and we did indeed find you. we had to clean up the place and we brought you to the hospital and you had surgery", he explained. "nct decided to kidnap you days later"

"so without you and junseop, i would be...", i trailed.

"you would've been dead"

[a/n: thank you so much for 4k reads ily guys 🥺 now we have more mafia scenes coming up now <3 + i'll only be using three members of golden child and not all of them so that for those who don't stan, they won't have a hard time w the names

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[a/n: thank you so much for 4k reads ily guys 🥺 now we have more mafia scenes coming up now <3 + i'll only be using three members of golden child and not all of them so that for those who don't stan, they won't have a hard time w the names. ]

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