chapter 18

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the day flew by quickly as i spent it on practicing and learning how to coordinate the different things i needed to know for guiding the members on missions

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the day flew by quickly as i spent it on practicing and learning how to coordinate the different things i needed to know for guiding the members on missions. i was proud to say that i got the hang of it with a day full of practice. it was the next day and during breakfast, i could see the members getting ready.

"give me a synopsis about the mission today", taeyong said. johnny handed taeyong a gun and more ammo as he gave taeyong the synopsis. "we'll be infiltrating a so-called adoption center that has been abusing children. the owners have been illegally trafficking children for the past years"

"what's our gain from this?", taeyong asked and as usual, johnny explained further. "we'll be able to save the children and destroy the group who has been in charge of this, making us lessen our enemies by one. we can also take the money while we're at it"

"alright, i'm taking everyone with us this time", taeyong said. "wayv will be in charge of long range, 127 will split up. half of us will attack from the front and half from the back"

"what about us?", chenle asked.

"dreamies will be in charge of finding the children and making sure they leave the place immediately. we never know if they set up some sort of bombs", taeyong replied. "kun and taeil will wait in the van"

"so i'll be here with renjun and the two injured ones?", i asked, looking at their leader. he smirked and shook his head. "lucas will join us as well as jaemin, their injuries aren't that bad"

"but what if they bleed because their wound opens in the process of fighting? ", i asked.

"they have us buttercup, don't worry", kun replied with a warm smile. he pat my back to assure me nothing was going to go wrong. "besides, they chose this path. they should be able to bear with it"

"anyways, you get to be all lovey-dovey with renjun while guiding us", ten said as he sipped on his tea. all of a sudden, renjun came in. he brushed through his messy hair, probably had just woken up based on his appearance. "why're all of you staring at me? i pulled an all nighter last night"

"maybe you couldn't sleep because you're on your period", jeno teased and renjun went over to pull him into a headlock. "stop! stop! that's enough"

doyoung separated the two and renjun casually sat next to me. i scooted away from him and everyone kept giving us the eye.

"alright guys, we should start heading to the place", mark said. "the place is a thirty minute drive, renjun should set up everything now"

"but i haven't eaten yet and i'm sleepy", renjun complained. yuta looked at him and sighed. "well, it sucks to be you. go in your office already with yeonha"

"i'm down if the loser actually talks to me", i said and looked at renjun who was staring at me. everyone was looking at us weirdly again. "why is renjun being petty?"

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