Konohagakure. (It took a really long time to memorize that spelling)

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I found this video and have watched it no less than four times. I will probably reference it for at least three chapters.

Kakashi widened his only visible eye marginally before he got over his shock. "A kami, huh? An immortal resident of Heaven."

Percy shrugged. "I like it down here through. Mortals are far more entertaining. The kami usually just argue and cause disasters and problems that have to be cleaned up."

"You sound like your the one on clean-up."

Percy sighed. "A hundred years, half-a-dozen quests and I still can't catch a break." He learned forward. "That's actually why I'm here."


"Nico, or what you call the Shinigami, sensed that the flow of nature had reversed, bringing back hundreds, your self included. We came to investigate."

"You're friends with the Shinigami?"

"Cousins actually. Our fathers are brothers. Makes for an entertaining family reunion." He looked to his left, away from the one-way window and glared. "Yes, it was too funny. Don't deny it!"

Kakashi would have thought he was crazy had a spike of killing intent not radiated from the wall.

"So, if the Shinigami is responsible for making sure the dead stay dead, why are you here?"

"To talk to you of course."

"Me in particular or humans in general?"

"Uhh, both." Percy sighed. "There are rules. One's that we cannot physically break. One of those is a non-interference law. The only exception is when the Kami in question has power over certain humans. Maidens, warriors, teachers, philosophers, mothers, fathers, family makers, inventors. They can be spoken to by their patrons."

"And you?"

"Heroes. Those who have risked their lives in the defense of another. Those who have dedicated themselves to others, those who would gladly die just to see another safe."

"That's a lofty title. Kami of Heroes."

Percy grinned nervously. "Well, it's pretty wide-reaching. Everyone is a hero in different ways. The blonde kid, he's a hero. So are you, and most of the people here."

Kakashi seemed incredulous, so Percy decided to prove it.

"Try to cut me. Your blade will break."

Kakashi raised an eyebrow.

"Go on."

Kakashi moved fast enough that Percy wouldn't have been able to see him if he was still mortal.

The kunai shattered, clinking as the shards hit the stone floor.

Kakashi's eyes widened, checking the chakra suppression seals.

"There are very few weapons that can injure my kind. One is in my pocket. Yes, they confiscated it but it returns to my pocket. Which is very handy."

"May I?"

Percy glanced to his left again, listening and looking at something. "Alright. Just be careful. My other cousin is a real pain when he had to regrow limbs."

Kakashi was able to pull out a bronze-colored pen and on Percy's instruction pulled off the cap, end pointing towards the window, away from all three.

It elongated into a sword and promptly slipped through his fingers, clattering to the ground, it's leaf-shaped blade glowing in the darkness of the cell.

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