An ode to my dog. For he deserves one. Why is it upside down?

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Angela the witch looked up when the sun began to darken, not looking long at the wondrous sight, and began to gather her dragon bones.

She quickly tossed them, charging them with magic and crying out her spell. "Fate. Destiny. Change."

Studying the spread she nodded and hurried out of her tent and into the sprawling tent city.

Heading north towards the more opulent tents, she easily slipped past the guards like a shadow, ducking into Nasuada's tent and subsequent command post of the Varden.

She didn't need to slip past the guards but they needed to keep on their toes. Character building.

"Milady." Angela said, nodding her head but not giving a full bow.

"Angela." Nasuada said, already preparing a message for her troops. "I was about to send for you. I need to calm down the camp before people start to desert."

"I cast the bones." Angela said without preamble. "They speak of those with great power walking across the land once more, power that has not been seen outside the Dwarven Capital since before the great Dragon War. They are coming, and they will destroy any who stand against them."

"What great power? Riders?"

Angela shook her head. "No. Far worse."

"What then, witch?"

Angela looked up, her eyes practically glowing with power. "Teenagers."

"Kick his ass, milady!"

Artemis spun on her heel, knives glowing with unearthly light, her face twisted in anger. "I'd kill you if I could, Apollo!" She sreamed.

"Hey, sis, let's talk about this. No pointy objects involved." Apollo begged, using his bow to fend off his twin's strikes, aimed unerringly at sensitive places that could incapacitate a god should they land.

"Prometheus's punishment will look tame when I am done with you."

Hermes was already down, tackled by hunters the moment their mistress had drawn her knives and declared war against the two male dieties, bound in celestial bronze chains and being dragged towards the firepit while Thalia retrieved something from her tent.

"Leo let me keep this after we tested it on Loki. Help me set it up." Thalia explained, hauling a bronze contribution from a bigger on the inside bag.

"Ooh. We should make another for when the Lady is done." Someone suggested, getting agreement from the others.

"Got it. Bring the male over here!" Liana yelled, twisting handles into their place.

Hermes managed to catch a glimpse of his fate and started struggling against his bonds. "What happened to not killing the messenger!"

Phoebe took a spear and cracked it against the messenger god's head, making the deity whoosy enough for the hunters to string him up.

"Who wants to spin first?"

"Me!" Several yelled.

Several rounds of demigod, monster, sword was played until an extremely pleased Eli found herself sitting by the fire turning the spit.

"Die, brother!"

"Looks like the lady is having fun." Thalia commented. "We should make another fire pit for later."

As several hunters nodded and rushed off to find more wood an Iris Message formed next to Thalia. "Hey, Annabeth."

"Thalia. Is Lady Artemis okay?"

"She's fine. Turns out Apollo and Hermes stowed away with the hunt. It's been handled."

"That's good. The villagers were starting to freak out with the eclipse."

Thalia glanced up. "I missed that. Bit busy tying Hermes up. It should be over in a few minutes."

Annabeth sighed. "I should have predicted this."

"Few gods are predictable, Annabeth. And you are not the only one in responsible for this. Truth is the Hunt should have realised back before we left the Guard back in Tierm. This is on us far more."

"I wonder how they stayed hidden." Annabeth mused.

"Probably disguised themselves as one of the Lady's pets." Thalia offered, glancing at the fight, which had progressed to hand to hand.


Chiron lifted an eyebrow at the of golden deer currently eating one of his pinochle cards. "Please stop."
Reyna, the inmortal Pratetor of New Rome,paused in the doorway of her personal chambers. "You're the right color but you definitely aren't a dog." She said to her visitor.
Thalia resisted a laugh. "Consider that theory proven. Look, the eclipse is ending."

Sure enough, right as Artemis socked Apollo in the mouth and sent him flying through several trees, the first rays of the sun managed to peak out from behind the moon.

"IM me when everything settles down, will you, Thals?"

"Sure thing. Talk to you later." Thalia said, picking up another set of chains and jogging over to her mistress.
Galbatorix looked at the eclipse, eyes narrowed in anger.

He could sense the massive amounts of magic that was creating this celestial events. And there was only one beast powerful enough to work magic on this scale.

He had begun to suspect something was amiss when Thorn and Murtagh had gone missing two days ago after being sent after those foreign mages. It seems they were hiding something even more valuable in those ships of theirs.

"Come, Shuriken. There are dragons to hunt."

Hey everyone. It's me. Your Tyranical Overlord.
Sorry about the lack of updates for a while. I've been under quarantine and juggling family does not make for a productive work environment. Any more of this and there may just be a reenactment of The Shining.
Anyways. I'll try to write but I've been binge watching Buzzfees Unsolved and Naruto as of late and I'm neck deep in PJO crossovers for those. So maybe I'll update. Maybe I won't.
Happy Easter to those who celebrated last week. Happy Ostara to those (Like me) are still waiting.
Ta, for now. Your Tyranical Overlord.
P.S. The dog's name is Bandjoe and I would die for him.

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