I got lost on the road of life. no signposts, you see.

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Percy stood and capped his bottle of necter Apollo had made for him, specially approved for mortals with all the benefits demigods enjoyed. "Ready to go?"

Kakashi checked on his Hokage, measuring heartbeat and breathing. He may not be a medic but even he could see the almost immediate improvement. "Yes. I'll let Shikaku know I'll be gone for a bit and then we can be off."

The kami, for he had proved beyond a doubt that he was either a god or somehow a bijuu who had taken human form, smiled and swirled his cloak, transforming into a German shepherd, a konoha leaf headband around his neck, the same disguise he had been coached into taking on their trip from T&I to the Hokage's tent.

He had received a few strange looks, but Percy, his eyes still green even in dog form, would merely look at them and a gust of wind would blow, just like the one that made Ibiki and the other T&I staff forget about them, their eyes passing over them like and S-Rank Genjutsu.

When Percy had been healing Tsuande, he had uncovered the Sharringan, utterly amazed at the condensed nature chakra that made up the kami's body.

There was another signature behind him, one less condensed and harder to see. In fact, if Kakashi hadn't been looking for it there was no way he would have even seen it, Sharingan or no.

Shikaku was rather amiable, letting Kakashi go with barely a word, the Nara not even looking at Percy.

Soon they were in the forest, racing amongst the trees.

Percy moved in a very unshinobi like way, his feet sticking to vertical surfaces with ease, doing acrobatics that would make a Capoeria style Taijutsu fighter proud but we're rather inefficent. (Real style. Looks awesome. YouTube it.)

He looked like he was having fun though, gazing around at the gigantic trees that characterized Fire Country with awe.

Percy slowed when Kakashi did, the duo, or perhaps trio, landing in a clearing at the base of the largest tree,  a fake one made of Conan's paper.

"Whoa." Percy said, inspecting the tear that, according to Kakashi's nose, Naruto had made. "This is amazing. Hey, Nico? Think Katie could make something like this?"

Kakashi nearly jumped when he heard a voice behind him.

"Not without help."

Kakashi must have reacted enough because Percy turned around. "Hey, Neeks, looking solid."

There was a teenager behind him, about Naruto's age, dressed completely in black, his eyes nothing but an abyss. A silver ring sat on his finger, a menacing skull with rubies for eyes.

"We're far enough away that your perception is stronger than his." The boy, Nico, said, pointing at Kakashi. "I'll return to my other form if we move closer to other mortals."

"Is this place it?" Percy asked, moving aside.

Nico got closer, his shadow unnaturally dark. "Yes. His soul is still here."

They went inside and Kakashi momentarily debated the pros and cons of following and running home.

He followed, his only visible eye widening as he saw a white haired Pein staring at Nico in shock.

"You will be judged in the courts of the Underworld, Nagato Uzumaki." Nico said, drawing a terrifying black sword. "May they find your soul worthy of peace."

Pein seemed to have accepted his fate. "Will I see Yahiko again?"

"If he shares your fate."

"That's a no then. I suppose I don't deserve to after all I've done."

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