Chapter I wrote against my will. I still think you all cheated.

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Percy turned to the Agro 4's crows nest, where Tyler, son of Apollo and one of the sharpest eyed guardians was on look-out, telescope aimed at something to the south.

Percy quickly climbed the net rope, rather thankful for Annabeth's join idea training tent, and took the scope from Tyler.

"What the hades is that?" He said, adjusting the lens. "Is that...people?"

"An army." Tyler confirmed. "I think we're getting close."

Percy closed the scope and nodded, handing it back to Tyler. "Here we go." He said, before grabbing a rope and sliding down on one of the handily placed zipping grips and slid down to the stern.

Annabeth took one look at his face and started shouting orders.

Several Guardians started ushering Villiagers over to the Argo four, while others stocked the cannons and checked the lines, making sure everything was fighting fit.

Others rushed below deck, emerging miniutes later in full armor, armed to the gills.

Sora, Skye and Jason all checked the hull, Leo rappelling down and shouting orders at the children of Zeus and Jupiter, while other Hepeastus guardians checked the mastheads, ensuring that all five had fuel for their flame throwers.

Jazz and the other Hecate and Trivia guardians started reinforcing the barriers on the ships, teams of three chanting in ancient Greek, magic swirling around their feet and soaking into the wood.

Clarrisse bounded through the rushing crowd just as the Argo four, now filled with all the villigers and the single guardian who had lost the demigod/monster/sword tournament, disengaged with the fleet, pulling back and rising high in the sky, using the clouds as cover. If things went south, they would seek shelter in Eoam, in the Beirland islands.

The rest of the fleet broke apart, coming up in a defensive formation, as every guardian not needed to man the ships or weapons aboard mounted their Pegasus.

"Percy!" Annabeth shouted from the brig, hair half up in a pony tail so she could get her helmet on. "Murtagh!"

Percy swore and vanished below deck, the guardians taking to the walls and ceiling to avoid him as he rushed to the brig.

His clothes shimmered and morphed to full armor, sea green cloak flaring behind him and helmet under his arm.

He burst into Murtagh's room, not hesitating as he dissolved the Rider's shackles with a wave of his hand.

"We're nearing the Burning plains." He said as Murtagh jumped, Thorn on his shoulders. "An army waits there. You need to make a decision."

"Lady Nasuada! Look at the sky!"

Masada looked up to see four massive ships depending from the clouds.

The elf next to her said something in the ancient language, her voice one of awe.

"The reports were true." Blodgarm said, his eyes wide as the ships flew lower.

"Bring me the Kidemonas Envoy. I want confirmation that those are the right ships." Someone behind the Varden leader said.

"So much magic." Yaela, another elf said. "Its over whelming. Like the Menoa tree during the Agaetí Blödhren, but there are many. I dare not investigate further."

The Empire troops had noticed them too and the first Boulder flew.

Nasuada immediently ordered that their troops moved forward, they had to disable those catapults before the Kidemonas ships came down.

The Boulder connected, shattering to pieces a good thirty feet away from the masthead, a shimmering golden shield fading from view.

A second Boulder was fast incoming, but this time the masthead, a bronze dragon, sprang to life, flames erupting from its mouth until the Boulder was nothing but hot slag.

A figure fell from the ships, falling for several seconds before landing with a boom, sending empire soilders flying, and racing towards the catapults.

The figure was closely followed by three more warriors, these gliding down seemingly on their own power.

A few seconds later, horses with massive wings flew down, warriors with green capes flying down just as a boulder decided to fly at another catapult, toppling that one and the one next to it.

"My lady, I think they have it handled." Elva said, sitting on Nasuada's maid's shoulders. "They are completely fine."

"Huh." Said Nasuada.


The Argo two shook as the boulder impacted the shields, making some of the newer guardians stumble.

"We can't land like this!" Leo yelled. "The shields won't let us!"

"Clarrisse!" Annabeth yelled, as a second boulder was melted by Festus. "Handle it!"

"On it!" Clarrisse yelled before jumping off the side.

Annabeth face palmed. "Jason, Sora, Skye, go help her!"

"Super-hero landing! Super-hero landing!" The Stolls were cheering, watching Clarrisse fall.

When she landed with a boom, the Stolls started cheering. "Yes!"

Annabeth took a deep breath and started calling more orders, but not before she knocked the sons of Hermes heads together.

The catapults soon stopped firing just as Percy emerged from below deck.

He stood to the side and Annabeth tensed as Murtagh came above deck.

Percy merely grinned at her. "Here we go."

Thanks for sticking with me all this time. No guarantees on a new chapter soon but Merry Christmas everyone.

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