The suprise visitors and the Dragon hoe-down.

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Eragon spun, nearly taking Percy's head had he not ducked. "Stop doing that."

Percy only laughed and handed the Rider another letter. "But it's funny."

Eragon scowled and reached out with his mind to Saphira, who would let Oromis know their visitor had returned.

"Thank you," Eragon said, sliding the letter into his bag.

"No problem. I don't know what you said to him but Roran had Gertrude read your letter to him a few times and then pestered some of my crew with questions."

"My apologies for my cousin's behavior."

"It's fine. Jackie had fun finding answers." Percy grinned. "I'll be back later for your reply."

He turned to leave but Eragon stopped him with a hand on his shoulder. "Actually, there are some people who want to meet you."

Percy raised an eyebrow. "And if I don't want to stay forever?"

"Ég sver að þú munt geta farið hvenær sem er af eigin vilja."

Percy's eyes widened. "I was not expecting that. I'm not the best at old Norse but I recognize an oath when I hear one. Very well, Eragon, son of none, I will stay for a while. Lead the way."

Eragon smiled and they shook hands before leading the messenger towards the palace.

"So, who wants to meet me?" Percy asked, his eyes raking the forest on either side of the path the same way Murtagh's did when they were traveling together.

"The queen of the Elves Islanzadí Dröttning."

Percy stared, silently wondering how the author got those accents on with their crappy keyboard. "Royalty, huh. Better dress my best then."

His shirt changed from a dark tunic to a pale blue with the human runes on it read "Camp Half-Blue."

"Much better."

Eragon had many, many questions.

"Annabeth! Annabeth!"

Annabeth turned from where she was gazing northwards and looked at the 13-year-old guardian. "Hi, Alisha. What's wrong?"

"Nothing. Look!" Annabeth's younger half-sister presented a sword that glowed slightly with an enchantment, etched runes running up and down the blade. "Carson, Elaine and I made it! If you get hit, it will paralyze you for three seconds."

Annabeth's eyebrow raised. "That's impressive. Have you named it yet?"

"Yeah. It's called 'Oh, look, the floor!'"

"... Have you been hanging out with Jazz?"

Alisha cackled in a way that confirmed that yes, the insane daughter of Hecate had corrupted Annabeth's impressionable younger sister.

She signed heavily. "This is gonna be a long day."

"Good morning, dragon boy." The insufferable child that was determined to get Murtagh Morzanson to smile said. "How's your sleep?"

Murtagh glared.

"Don't be like that. Would you really rather be out pillaging innocent villages?"

She had a point but Murtagh was stubborn enough to give the Mind Breaker King a run for his crowns and refused to acknowledge it.

The girl introduced herself again, Josie, daughter of Ares.

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