I don't know what it is but Thalia is getting one for her birthday.

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Will passed Percy a bucket and a vial. "Come on, down the hatch."

Percy groaned and downed the vial, almost immediately losing his dinner, including, hopefully, whatever Dumbledore had slipped him.

"I'm immune to their magic." Percy complained, panting heavily. "Why are we doing this again?"

Will sighed. "Because while the magic doesn't affect you, the potion's base ingredients can, and from what Jazz tells me, most of those ingredients are not fit for consumption. So we need to get it out of your system."

Percy dry heaved and Will nodded to himself just as Travis came in. "Dumbledork is asking about you. Annabeth is holding him off but you need to hurry."

Outside the med tent, Percy could distinctly hear the Apollo guardians playing the Skyrim theme on violin, complete with vocals, and from the clanging, sword fighting.

"Give me a sec." Percy groaned, downing the offered antidote Will held out. "Will, find Nico, and Jazz. Fumble dork made his move so we're moving ahead of schedule. Travis, find Katie, Clarrisse, and Leo and tell them to start packing, the island falls at dawn. Notify Artemis that we are moving out soon."

Travis nodded and walked out, wearing his usual expression despite the gravity of his orders. He was the son of the trickster god, he knew how to play a part.

Percy stood and straightened his cloak, the Apollo demigods, both Kynigoi and Kidemonas, beginning their next song.

Kanala, daughter of Kihone opened the tent. "I was told to ask you where you hid the cannons because Jared wants to play Tchaikovsky's 1812 Overture next. Something about pizazz."

"Absolutely not." Will yelled. "Do you know how many people had reuptured eardrums? Eight! Eight! Do you know how hard it is to fix something so small yet vital? Really hard! And don't even get me started on the cattle! Percy if you tell my kolos of a half brother where they are so help me gods."

He didn't finish the threat.

"You have your answer apparently. Ask Jared to play something that doesn't involve cattle russling or heavy artillery." Percy said. "I'll be out in a moment."

Kanala sighed. "Fine. Ta, Percy." She said, vanishing back to the party.

Will started shoving the god out the med tent. "Go enjoy the party. I have a teenaged mortal to kidnap."

"Good luck." Percy said, stepping back outside.

He headed back to Annabeth, dodging Jared, who had assembled a small squad to help him search the supply tents, and slid into his seat.

"And then she said she would handle it and locked me in a mortuary drawer."

"I hate it when they do that. So annoying."

"Percy? Everything alright?" Annabeth asked in Greek.

"Just had to check the wardings on the cannons. Jared wants to play Tachaikovsky." Percy replied, waving at Nico, wrapped in shadows and armored up, dragging Jazz and Elena, magic and illusion specialists, behind him. He would shadow travel to Grimauld Place and then Riddle Manor before returning to the Island to grab reinforcements.

Dumbledore steepled his fingers and peered at Percy through his half moon glasses. "I was wondering, Lord Perseus, if you have ever heard of or dealt in soul magic?"

Percy raised an eyebrow. "What brought on this line of questioning?"

"Surely your people have reported the rumors?"

"I hear many rumors. You'll have to be more specific."

Dumbledore narrowed his eyes. "What do you know of ressurection?"

Percy turned to face the Headmaster directly and looked into his eyes. "Your far to old to make the trip."

Harry was dreaming of that corridor  when he felt someone grab him, covering his mouth.

He struggled for a moment, thinking it was Ron, only to panic when his blurry vision caught sight of golden hair and blue eyes.

"Shhhhh." The Fae whispered. "I'm Will. Percy needs to see you. It's about your dreams."

Harry stilled and raised an eyebrow.

"I'm going to let go now. Don't wake the others." Will ordered.

Harry hurried to obey. Finally, someone was willing to do something.

"Go, go, go, go, go." Fred yelled, pushing his twin down the corridor.

"Get back here you rats!"

"Did he call us rats?"

"It's usually brats."

"Maybe we misheard him?"

"No, stupid autocorrect."


"No typo there!" The twins yelled.

George yelped when he felt hands grab under his arms, hauling him into the air, Fred following a moment later.

He couldn't speak since the masked fae was covering his mouth and he didn't feel inclined to struggled since they were perched impossibly on the ceiling.

Fred was in a similar position, an identical fae holding him up as the furious undertaker stormed down the hall underneath them.

Filtch stopped and looked around, branishing his mop and looking like Snape during OWL week.

Finally he stalked off and George was allowed to speak.

"Thanks for the save."

"Yeah, we owe you one." Fred agreed.

The fae holding on to George removed his mask. "It was nothing. I'm Travis."

"I'm Conner." Said the other.

"We were setting up out next trap when we decided to land a hand and a leg up."

"Trap?" The redheads asked.  "Can we help."

All four grinned. "I think this is the start of a beautiful friendship."

Filtch almost caught them again by following the sounds of screams and cackling.

Another Omake.

Jazz cackled as she leapt through the trees, knives in her hands and insanity in her eyes.

Nico and Will, taking a more sedate pace along the forest floor watched in awe as the hyperactive mage raced forward.

"Why did we bring her?"

"She can create wards that can trap dementors, which is what we are hunting." Will replied.

They could hear the Hecate demigod laughing in the distance. "Bring it on, you Charon Knockoffs. The only thing you'll be kissing is my ass!"

Nico facepalmed.

The last one was just a little daydream I had to share.
Sorry I haven't updated in a while but c'est la vie.
Maybe I'll get a chapter up this week end, maybe not.
I'd like to put to a vote for the next long term assignment how the Guard and Hunt integrate themselves into Alageasia.
Should they help Roran and the Carvahal villages to Surda or should they confront Eragon and help him?
Let me know in the comments.

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