The Silver Archers.

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The Arrival feast didn't actually happen during the Hunter's arrival but beforehand. After the wizards we're done eating, the students lined up outside by the lake, organized by house and year, youngest in the front.

The students were all in uniform, the teachers wearing dress robes and Dumbledore in his most extravagant blue and silver robes that had a good quarter of the Guardians giving him second looks and wary side eyes.

All in all it reminded everyone of the arrival of Bauxbatons and Drumstrang for the tournament last year.

The guardians were there of course, dressed in an odd mixture of modern muggle clothes and ancient Greek armor, although all were armed in some way, scattered between the castle and lake.

They weren't organized in anyway Hermione could see but she knew how fast they could move and didn't doubt that could change as soon as Percy gave the order. Right now most were playing a rather extreme game of frisbee with a bronze shield a fae blacksmith had brought out.

When everyone complimented him and began to play, his hair had caught fire, although no one had said anything so Hermione just prayed it was his magic.

Percy had a helmet on, one of the visors from Hogwarts many suits of armor. Hermione couldn't hear what he was saying over the extreme frisbee but he closed the visor and struck a pose, only to have Clarrisse hit him over the head with her shield.

Just as the moon began to rise over the lake a hunting horn blew, a keening sound that made Hermione want nothing more then to strip off shoes, race into the forest, and never return, only to be snapped out of it by the loud clang of metal on metal as the distracted frisbee players let the shield collid with a chest plate.

Instantly the Guardians formed ranks, Percy, Annabeth and Clarrisse standing at the head, Thalia to their left, looking excited.

Percy tossed the helmet off to the side where a guardian grabbed it, vanishing into the ranks as Annabeth removed something long wrapped in furs from her bag.

The students and teachers alike fell silent as the sound of dogs barking echoed in the Forbidden Forest, a silver wolf emerging from the brush a moment later, quickly followed by a flood of silver archers.

There were over 100 of the Hunters, each a girl between the ages of nine and 19, although if Jazz was anything to judge by, they could be a couple thousand years old easy.

Each one seemed to be glowing in that way Percy, Clarrisse and some of the other Kidemonas sometimes did, like they had been taking baths in liquid moonlight. It created a rather otherworldly effect, like mortals had no right to even witness their passing, much less talk to them.

At the head of the procession was an auburn haired girl that Hermione recognized from Percy's memory.

Artemis wore the same silver parka and cargo pants as her hunters but she seemed far more powerful and otherworldly then they, like she wasn't even trying to hide that she wasn't human and never had been.

The two troupes halted about fifty yards apart from each other, the humans watching from afar holding their breath in anticipation as Percy and Annabeth stepped forward to meet Artemis and a girl with brown hair and blue eyes.

Thalia bowed to her troupe leader and took her place at the ancient fae's side, looking pleased but still formal.

For a long time Hermione strained to make out their words, the Guard and Hunt both tense, hands creeping towards weapons.

Suddenly Percy burst out laughing. "If you say so, dear sister."

When Clarrisse saw Percy with the helmet she grinned, for today was now a good day. Percy had that look in his eyes that meant he needed some sense knocked into him.

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