The world shall burn! Hahahaha. Oh, nevermind.

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Albus Dumbledore stared at the Daily Prophet in horror.

Boy-who-lived proven to be telling the truth.

Early arrivals at the Ministry of Magic today we're stunned and horrified by the broken bodies of not only 15 Death Eaters, but You-know-who himself, trussed up like hogs and quite dead by the statue of Magical Brethren, dark marks exposed and a note written in Ancient Greek, reading.
"A gift to Amelia Bones. Thanks for the biscuits."
Not only has Harry Potter been telling the truth, but proof has arisen that Sirius Black, thought to be you-know-whose's right hand man, is not only inoccent, but never even had a trial in the first place.
Just what other secrets has Minister Fudge been keeping from us? Have any other Lords of Most Ancient and Noble houses been imprisioned illegally? Turn to page 3 for more information.

He could still get ahead of this. He just needed to get to the Ministry and stop the Prophet. Now, where had Fawkes gone off too?

Dumbledore turned to the clock and saw that it was nearly dinner time.

Turning in horror he started to dress quickly just as another owl flew through the window.

Harry Potter speaks out against Albus Dumbledore!

To the shock and horror of many, Harry Potter held a press conference at noon at Gringotts Bank, where he had just assumed his Lordship of the Most Ancient and Noble House of Potter. He spoke of a childhood filled with abuse at the hands of muggles whom he was illegally places with, of his parents now unsealed Will, his Magical Guardian (Albus Dumbledore) never telling him he was a lord at eleven, and of illegal withdrawals from the Potter Vault.
"I have had my eyes opened and I do not like what I see. I will be pressing charges against my former Magical Guardian, who I didn't even know was Guardian until Annabeth brought me to the bank and proved beyond a doubt that my life has been orcastrated from the shadows ever since that Halloween Night and perhaps even before that."
A warrant has been issued for Albus's Dumbledore's arrest. For a complete transcript of this sure to be historical confrence turn to Page two.

There was a picture of Harry standing in the doors of Gringotts, speaking to a sea of reporters. Behind him stood the Guardian Liutenant, dressed in robes to disguise herself as a witch, and waiting patiently for Harry to finish.

A flare of accidental magic set the newspaper on fire as Albus stormed from his rooms, only to be confronted by his teachers, Mcgonagall and Flitwick among them, wands drawn and aimed at him. Snape and Umbridge however were missing.

"Ye hae a lot tae answer fur, Albus!" Mcgonagall said angrily, brandishing the latest copy of the Prophet at the former Headmaster. "Ah warned ye! Playin' games wi' th' fae woods leid tae yer destruction."

Her accent grew stronger with anger. The last time it had been this pronounced her husband had been murdered.

Damn those faeries.
Luna Lovegood accepted the silver parka and slipped it over her shoulders. She had Seen the chaos that would be brought down upon Magical Britain and had asked her Father if she could accept the offer Lady Artemis would present her.

Her father, while sad to see her go, knew she would be safer with the Hunt, seeing magical creatures a mortal would never even dream of instead of stuck here in a soon to fall Magical Britain.

Before she could say the oath, however Artemis had something to confess to the Seer.

"I'm afraid, Ms. Lovegood, we have lied to you. We are not actually fae, but demigods of the Greek variety traveling here from another dimension. I am the actual Artemis, goddess of the Hunt."

"I already knew that, Milady." Luna said, smiling. "Everyone knows that fae don't have Nargles."

Thalia stared for a moment before she burst out laughing. "Thalia, Daughter of Zeus. Welcome to the Hunt, sister." She said, a smile on her face. "This is going to be fun."

"Oh, yes. I can't wait to meet Saphira."

Jessie, daughter of Apollo stuck her head into the forge tent when she heard the most unearthly and sweet music.

Inside, perched on an armor mannequin, was a red and gold heavily frilled bird.

"Leo? Who's you're friend?" She asked?

Leo swung out from underneath Festus who he was giving a tuneup to and glanced at the Phoniex. "I'm pretty sure that's Fawkes but I'm calling him Axel."

The newly named Axel sang his approval at the name and sent a wave of flame a cross the tent, forcing Jessie to duck.

"So glad I'm not in charge." She muttered, returning to her patrol. In a few more hours this Island would be nothing but dust and memories. She would be sad to see it go.

Except for Clarrisse's book pit. Jessie was looking forward to watching that burn.
Perseus watched as the final supplies were ferried off the island. Dawn was approaching and they were running out of time.

Annabeth was still talking with Harry, her cold logic breaking apart anything Harry could say to defend the headmaster, presenting evidence in the form of documents and newspaper clippings and a prophecy stolen from the Ministry.

Spells that wont let you touch something mean nothing to a pair of Hermes children and a child of Hecate.

The Hunt was already in the forest, along with most of the Guard, only a few stragglers left behind as the wards around the island started to fall.

Seth, son of Hermes, waved at Percy before going to help the packing. He had been sent to drug Dumbledore so he would stay asleep until evening tomorrow, plenty of time for the dominos to fall.

Percy opened his phone and scryed his missing Guardian.

"Few more hours, Nat. See you soon."

Sneak peak at the next arc.

"Who are you?"

"I'm the one who gave you that cloak."

"I'm sorry."
"Don't be ridiculous. Of course he's alive."
"I'm Tony Stark, tech genius extraordinaire."

"Oh yeah, well I'm the Lord of Time."
"Let's go home."

"About that."
I was going to publish this chapter at the same time as the last one but a certain someone told me to wait.
Shout out to Moon-Light-Girl for helping with keeping me sane long enough to write this.

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