Deals with the devil. Or Clarrisse. Same thing really.

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Hermione took a deep breath, leaning against her dorm room wall and sinking to the floor.

The past three hours had been some of the most stressful hours of her life, forcing her to put far more care and consideration into her words then ever before.

Annabeth during the meeting was far different then Annabeth during the class, proving beyond a shadow of a doubt that she belonged to Percy's world more then Hermione's, like she had done and seen things mortals couldn't even comprehend, willing to tear apart any argument Hermione could muster without a moments hesitation. She spoke circles around the witch and only days of preparation for this meeting had saved her.

Clarrisse on the other hand, was a fae who had only been seen by the students from afar, spotted on the lawn after the "Extermination" as the students called it, eyes red as coal, an aura of death and bloodshed coating her.

She was far more direct than Annabeth, challenging Hermione straight to her face, forcing Hermione to make the same challenges, almost coming to blows, Clarrisse grinning widely with anticipation, hands on the hits of sword and wand while Annabeth sighed and calmed both.

Clarrisse had given Hermione a long look before smiling and plopping in an undignified heap on a ocean wave patterned beanbag "She has a fire in her eyes. And she stood up to me. If her friends have half as much spine as her, I'll do it. It will cost you of course."

Hermione was prepared, having gotten a favor coin from Parvati in exchange for doing her homework.

Clarrisse took the coin and grinned. "Gather your friends. Meet me on the shore in three Saterdays."

Hermione wasn't stupid enough to let down her guard at the agreement, barely allowing herself to show relief at her success.

While the fae had given a very vague (intentionally no doubt) oath to protect the students of Hogwarts for the duration of one mortal year, she had no access to the original words, just the reitteratied version Dumbledore had said at the Welcoming Feast. Without it, she had no idea of what lines either party could cross.

The mere thought of the adults treating the fae like the teenagers and children they appeared to be was terrifying. Don't they realize the adults weren't considered students the moment they graduated? That all bets were off as soon as the year ended?

But everytime she had tried to take it up with Dumbledore he treated her like he did Harry, avoiding and misdirecting. Honestly, he was just as bad.

Professor Mcgonagall, fortunately, had a very healthy respect for the Kidemonas, every interaction the most polite and formal Hermione had ever seen the Transfiguration teacher act, even if the fae she was speaking with was acting in a way comparable to a child on a sugar high.

Snape was about they same, all bows of respect and pireblood manners, only he had gotten one of the favor coins that had recently started appearing in Hogwarts. It was a favor, protection, and a pass all in one. A favor from the fae who gave it to you, protection from the worse of their illusions and a pass to their Island.

Rumor had it that it heated up when a fae disguised as an animal was around.

Hermione pulled the favor coin Jackie had given her from her pocket and inspected it again. Maybe she would put it on a cord like Snape had. Parvati's had only been in her possession for two days after all.

The potion master had apparently received one from Jazz, an energetic fae girl with a penchant for learning human magic that exceeded the others. In exchange for a few lessons, Snape had been able to avoid the chaos that the Unholy Quartetet consisting of a pair of fae brothers and Hogwart's resident pranksters had enacted. Professor Flitwick and Mcgonagal supposedly had something similar with Jazz as well.

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