Actual Picture of Jazz (who is based off my editor, who loves how you love them)

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Nico closed his fist and crushed the ring, simultaneously removing any chance that manipulative old man had at becoming Nico's master, and sending the soul shard on into Charon's keeping.

"You okay?" He asked Jazz, who was panting in the grass outside.

"That...was a lot of wards." She said, taking a swig of necter. "Sweet Prometheus, that was overkill. Black Manor wasn't half as bad, although their wards could inspire your dad a bit." 

Elena was already passed out, having ripped down every ward between the grave yard and the front door of the building Nico was now standing in.

"We'll rest first and then head back." Nico decided. "Will should have Harry ready for the extraction by then."

"Sounds good!" Jazz said, giving a thumbs up and passing out.

Nico may have cracked a small smile. They had done well, especially considering they had brute forced their way through any ward that wasn't an alarm.

Maybe, just maybe, when this was all over, he would hang out with the guard for more then just Will.


Harry stiffled a yawn as he waited for Will to return. After being dragged out of bed he had expected to do something other then wait in the infirmary tent but here he was.

He really wanted to go explore the Island since this was his first time here but he was a bit more wary of the fae then the teachers so for once in his life he was happy to stay put.

The tent flap rustled and Annabeth came in, a stack of books and a folder in her hands.

"Hello, Harry. By this time tomorrow you'll realize your life is not your own and your death has been arranged since you were born which is why you should cut your stings and destroy your puppettmaster."

She slammed the books down and Harry saw the title, written in Greek that slowly swirrled to English.

"The Machinations of Albus -too-many-names Dumbledore and why we should not trust him. By Jasmine Anderson, edited by Jacquline Taylor." The cover was decorated by an anvil with familiar canary yellow robes poking out from under it.

Delores Umbridge didn't pause, despite the many eyes she felt on her. She had grown used to the fae watching her, the abominations not even bothering to properly hide.


She heard laughter coming from an empty classroom, a girl and a boy, and grinned maliciously.

Casting a silencing charm on the door before unlocking it, the pink horror slipped inside, looking for the little mudbloods she knew were hiding.

The door slammed shut and someone started to play a piano.

Look inside
Look inside your tiny mind
Now look a bit harder
'Cause we're so uninspired
So sick and tired of all the hatred you harbor

A fae girl was playing the piano, singing of all things.

"Your kind are not welcome in the castle after dark, sweetie. I'm going to need you to come with me."

The fae girl only continued on to the next stanza, ignoring the witch that was quickly turning purple with anger.

So you say
It's not okay to be gay
Well, I think you're just evil
You're just some racist who can't tie my laces
Your point of view is medieval

Something wrapped around Delores's wand and yanked it away at the same time something grabbed her ankle and dragged her into the shadows.

Luckily the chorus and the silencing charm the witch had put on the door, (a horrible decision really) drowed out the screaming.

F you (f you)
F you very, very much
'Cause we hate what you do
And we hate your whole crew
So, please don't stay in touch

F you (f you)
F you very, very much
'Cause your words don't translate
And it's getting quite late
So, please don't stay in touch

Lyrics by Lily Allen, Fuck You.


Nico emerged from the shadows, returning from little Hangleton at the same time Travis, Conner and Chris returned from Gringotts, a malicious goblet in a silk bag Jazz had enchanted a few weeks ago.

"How'd it go?"

"They let the dragon loose." Chris said before Travis could hit him with duct tape.

Percy took a deep breath. "Problem for later." He said. "Nico can you take care of the horcrux?"

Conner handed the bag over and a moment later the Goblet of Helga Hufflepuff was just that, a goblet.

"How did things go on your end?" Percy asked, examining the badger engraved cup.

"The ressurection stone is dust and that House Elf Jazz was insistent we leave the locket with should have destroyed it by now. The soul shard is gone at any rate. It's just the boy, the snake, and the diadem left."

"Excellent. Take a rest and wait for Annabeth to finished pounding sense into Harry. Leo, Maria and Sophie are up in the castle destroying the diadem. And a few volunteers/lottery winners should be returning from relieving Leah of Toad Watch soon and after that Clarrisse and I will be paying the Dark Lord a visit."

"Sounds like a plan." Nico said. "Imma take a nap and drop these two off at the infirmary."

"You three go as well, have a medic check you over just in case."

"Sure." Conner said. "Come on, guys."

The six left the command tent and Percy sat back in his chair. Everything was going to plan so far and if it all went to Hades Percy would punch Chaos in the face again. He was eager to get out of here.

Just a few more hours.

Yay. Freedom! Onwards towards dragons! Make way for the Argo three. And four, and five.

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