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Amethyst/ Theodore/ Amethyst's mom

*Calling Weirdo*

"Hey Weirdo!"


"Its been a while since you've called so I put my ego aside and called you. I see that you are giving me the silent treatment and I probably deserve that."

"Probably? You deserve it with full force you son of a plankton!"

"Woah! You talked! I never thought I'll say this but I missed talking to your weird self!"

"I know! Im awesome and very miss-able person!"

'That's not a word, weirdo."

"Its a new addition to words, Grumps. I made it myself!"

"It's nice to know that your weirdness hasn't toned down even a little bit."

"You cannot tone down something that makes you the real you, Grumps."

"Never pegged you as a deep person."

"Are you always this judgmental or am I getting some special treatment? And I have my moments of depth."

"I'm never this judgmental, infact I don't even talk to people that frequently. And you are definitely getting special treatment for annoying the crap out of me before."

"I figured that out."

"What did you figure out?"

"That you don't talk very often."


"You weren't the most polite person when you first called me. The way you speak clearly explains that you are not used to talking a lot. I have whole psychological report on that, wanna listen?"

"Not really. Anyways, did you get my voicemail?"

"Yes. Actually, I answered your call because I wanted to apologize for being childish. Look, I can be dramatic at times and I lash out on people who weren't the cause of my anger at all. When you called me in the morning, I was having a really shitty day so I took it out on you, which is unfair. So, I'm sorry."

"Wow, I never thought that someone as stubborn and hard headed as you will never apologize. Butttttt, apology accepted weirdo. And I'm sorry too."

"Apology accepted, Grumps. Did we just have a sensible conversation?"

"I guess We should never do that again."


(In the background)

"Alpha, we have a problem."

"What was that?"

"What was what?"

"The sound on your side."

"Ohh, its just my niece."

" Okay, Say hey to Bella from my side. Farewell, Grumps."

"Will do- wait. How do you-"

*Call ended*

"- know her name? Hello? Damn she hung up on me!"

"Oh crap! Why am I so stupid? Why god, why?"

"Because your dad is stupid, Amy. He was so stupid that he even forgot you and asked you your name, remember that?"

"Oh yes! He was high on sugar mom, and I specifically remember that it was your deed."

"Oh shush! You know don't such a thing."

"OH, I do know, mumma bear!"

"I'll give you my chips if you forget about it. Deal?"



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