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Amethyst/ Theodore/ Others


"Yes, my lord?" The commander asked.

"Have you already sent the demons to infiltrate the army?"

"No, my lord. I will do that right away." The commander said.

"'No, don't. Take me to the training grounds and ask all the soldiers to assemble there."

"Yes, my lord." The commander obeyed.

As they walked towards the training grounds, Amethyst re-observed the palace. Her palace. It was magnificent with walls covered in different shades of grey. The floor was tiled with huge dark grey stones and she loved them. They had a very natural feel about them. The plants were scattered around the palace with no particular design, they were wild not tamed. She liked that too. She loved that fact that nothing about the palace or people was artificial. They were wild, savage, natural and true. She is a recent member but that did not affect her affection and connection with these people. They were her people.

They reached the training grounds only to find millions of soldiers lined up, stiff and looking staright ahead. They bowed collectively as Amethyst made an appearance. She laughed.

"Too much formality, my boys. Raise."

They did as they were asked to.

"Loosen up a little, would yaa?"

They had no idea as to how to react to their Queen's humor. However, one of the younger demons chuckled and Amethyst's gaze snapped towards him. She smiled at him.

"There you go!"

The rest of the demons followed him and soon the atmosphere lightened.

"I am here to assign you your work, my boys! We are going to posses the armies of our enemies. I am trusting you with my plan. Do not disappoint your queen!"

A chorus of agreement filled the atmosphere. Amethyst nodded at them and took off.


"Yes, my lord?" He asked.

"If we are having a war, wouldn't the humans know about the supernatural community? Or are they already aware about us?"

"Our war doesn't affect the species that are not a part of supernatural community. Our was doesn't even take place in the same time dimension. The battle grounds are in a different time dimension. They are guarded with doors made of some strange metal that cannot be destroyed by anything and they can be accessed only once in 100 years. Five days from now will be that day when the doors of that dimension will open. And no humans aren't aware about us unless they are mated to one of our kind." He explained.

"Why aren't the humans a part of the war?"

"We didn't tell you the entire reason behind the war, my lord." He said, little scared for his Queen's reaction.

Amethyst's eyes darkened. She hated being lied to.

"This is second last time you are lying to me, commander. Next time would be your last time to ever say anything."

"Apologies, my lord." He said.

"Yeah, whatever. Now tell me."

"Humans have grown powerful over years. They have exploited nature, they have destroyed homes of may of them. It has been a high time and we have cooperated enough. As part of nature, we are bound to protect it too, its in our instincts. We see it now but our late Queen and her husband saw it 200 years ago. They had a gift of seeing future. They tried to explain the other species but they didn't agree on killing an entire 'innocent' specie. So when the demons waged a war against the supernatural community conspired against our king and killed him. Apart from revenge, the Queen also wanted to wipe out humans and once we kill all the other supernaturals, humans won't be that hard to kill either." He answered.

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