Seems like a jerk to me

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Amethyst/  Theodore

* Calling weirdo*


"Umm.. Hey?"

" Am I dreaming or are you really being awkward?"

"I'm not being awkward, I just don't know what to say."

"Why don't you call me when you have something to say then?"

"Are you mad at me?"

"What made you think that?"

"You asked me to call you later and because I yelled at you."

"You did yell at me but that didn't make me mad. And I asked you to call me later because  I thought you could use some time. And we are really having a serious conversation. I don't like that."


"So what crawled up your ass and died?"

"Some work related stuff. That is not a good expression though."

"Oh really? Maybe I should take some Posh language lectures from you, shouldn't I?"

"Oh, you should!"

"Uh Huh!"

"But seriously Weirdo, i am sorry for yelling at you. It wasn't your fault and it was wrong of me to do that!"

"Apology accepted!"

"What was it that you wanted to talk about?"

"Oh, yes! You won't believe what happened at work today! There was this rude guy who kept troubling Sandra, my friend, so today she finally put that piece of shit in place! It was so good! though I kept telling her to da that sooner but everything takes its time I guess."

"That's good! Did she do a number on him?"

"She did a number verbally and since my brother wasn't there at that point of time, I did the honors of physical number. Man, it felt so liberating!"

"Beating someone is liberating?"

"Beating someone who deserves it is liberating. Very liberating."

"I see. You enjoyed your work it seems."

"Oh, totally! Hey Grumps, do you mind me asking what exactly do you do? Like is it accounting, finance, HR, what is it?"

"Curious now, aren't we?"

"Eww, that's so typical and cliché. Yuck!"

"Yeah..... It sounded better in my head. Anyways, I am the CEO of the company and I mostly negotiate and take decisions in all matters be it accounting, finance, investments, HR, recruitments- basically everything."

"That's cool! I'm friends with a freaky- can-do-everything-man!"

"Really? Who?"

"Oh, you see there's this guy who is really grumpy, cranky and thinks SpongeBob is for kids and not adults."

"Seems like a jerk to me."

"I thought so too but then he said he secretly loves SpongeBob."

"And you forgave him?"

"Well, he did apologize."

"Is it right to forgive him everytime he does a mistake?"

"Not really but if he is worth then Yes!"


"Grumps? You there?"

"Yeah....*clears throat* Um Yeah, I'm here."

"Did you space out on me?"

"Umm.. Kinda?"

"You are such a Dumbo!"

"As if you aren't."

"That's the best comeback you have?"




"How is Bella?"

"She is very hyperactive and sneaky and sarcastic!"

"That's why she is my favorite!"

"Yeah, she loves you too! Both of you are equally scary!"

"Oh, No!!!!! That little adorable ball of innocence can never be scary!"

"As if! Hey, thank you for making me drink water! It really helped me calm down."

"Oh, you're welcome! My mom does that to me and my brother when we start fighting."

"Like bickering?"

"No, it starts with bickering but escalates to punches and kicks very quickly!"

"Do I even wanna know?"

"Its better you don't."

"Yeah, I think  so too."

"Good! I gotta go and get scolded from my momma. Bye."

"For what?"

"For causing a scene in the office and giving the guy two fractures."

"Oh, Go ahead soldier! Conquer that battle!"

"Sir, yes, Sir!"

"Later alligator."

"In a while, crocodile!"

*Call ended*


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