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Amethyst/ Theodore/ Others

"This is unacceptable, Mr. Bruce."

"My apologies, Alpha."

"Apologies? APOLOGIES?"


"This deal was crucial for the company! We trusted you with it and this is what we get?"

"Alpha, I-I'll try-y to f-fix this-s! Please-e g-give me an-nother chance."

"This cannot be fixed and you know that, Mr. Bruce."

"I am sorry, Alpha."

"You can leave."

Mr. Bruce left and a knock on the door caught Theodore's attention.

"Come in."

"Morning Mr. Wolff. I have a few questions to ask regarding the recent press meet. May I?"


"Why is the company taking over the Golden Fisheries?"

"That's because its a cheap investment and holds a great potential to become a market giant."

"Any other reason?"

"What else could it be?"

"A few tabloids have a very interesting theory about it."

"I am listening."

"'Sure you are. You aren't deaf!' Is what I want to say but instead I am saying- The tabloids believe that you are doing a favor to the owner of the Fisheries because the owner's daughter is your girlfriend."

"I don't understand how is buying someone's company is a favor."

"So how do you want me to respond to the 57 calls that I have received since the morning ask about the same thing?"

"You haven't responded?"

"I have responded to the calls but I am publishing an article, a business article specifically, answering all these sort of questions. Also, there is this news channel that wants to know about your relationship status."

"Okay. You can inform them about potential of the company and how our company sees it as very good investment. And is it necessary to answer the news channel?"

"Okay. And I think its a good opportunity to make your relationship status clear. It will curb down the rumors."

"Okay so you can tell them that I am taken."

"You are? When did this happen? You never told me you have a girlfriend! How can you do this! I am your PR manager!"

"Oh right! I never told you about my girlfriend!"

"Yeah, right! Now tell me!"

"Well you see its a bit complicated."

"Really? How?"

"She doesn't know that she is my girlfriend."

"Way to go my pal!"

"I haven't asked her out yet."

"Well, then technically she isn't your girlfriend."

"Yeah but she will be, if you agree."

"Agree with what?"

"To be my girlfriend?"

"Okay. But I am doing this only to save you from the rumors."

"Lies and so much slander, Ms. Stone."

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