Curiosity and Impatience

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Amethyst/ Theodore

*Calling Theo: The Grumps*

"Hey, weirdo!"

"Damn it! I thought youll be bummed about the fact that I know your name!"

"On the scale of 1 to 10 how childish do you think I am?"

"Ummmmm 20!"

"Haha, I am dying of laughter!"

"Well, You were a good friend. May your soul rest in peace."

"Im going to send the devil to your door as soon as I reach hell!"

"I wasnt aware that you were interested in watching me and the devil fight over his throne."

"I give up."

"Thought so. But seriously Theodore, why arent you bummed over the fact that I know your name and you dont know mine?"

"Because it doesnt really matter. Sure, I do wish to know your name but the fact that you know my name and I dont know yours doesnt really affect me. Logically speaking, you just know my first name and there are numerous Theodores out there."

"You have a point and Im not telling you my name."

I know, Im smart. And okay.

"Really? Okay?? Dont you have any sort of curiosity?!"

Do not confuse curiosity with impatience, child.

"Who are you and where is the impulsive Theodore? And child? How old are you, grandpa?"

"Im the very same Theodore but in a good mood. Well, isnt your question stalkerish?"

"Are you telling me youre afraid of a stalker who is a child. I thought you were better than that."

"Arent you too sarcastic for a child?"

"Well, blame my mom."

"Im 20 years old."

"Ohhh.. Cool?"

"Awkward little sarcastic Child. My list is getting better. How old are you child?"

"I am one seven, 17 years old!"

"Ahh, as I predicted, a child."

"Yeah, yeah. So are you in college?"


"Oh Dropout?"

"Jeez, you assume the worst possible scenarios. I am not a dropout, I completed my education early."

"Hmm, smart people! So what is your major?"

"Feeling detective today? Its majors actually, Business management and Politics."

"Yup! Politics?"

"Yeah, I was always interested in politics and I want to change the present situation of politics. Its pathetic honestly."

"Atleast someone thinks like me. People always call me Utopian thinker when I talk about changing current political scenario."

"People are ignorant towards the sufferings of others. And lets not talk about that.. Its depressing to talk about the way people think."

"True. Anyway, it was very informative call, Grumps. Ill call you later?"

"Youll call me later? Why? Why you doin this to me?"

"Its sweet of you to think you are funny."

"Tone down the sarcasm, weirdo."

"You mean dont be myself? Im sorry thats not an option."

"You amuse me."

"I know, Im awesome."

"Modesty at its best."

"And you call me sarcastic."


"Whatever, talk to you later, Amethyst. Byeeee"

*Call ended*

"Bye Grumps- wait, what? You sneaky mutt! 'Do not confuse curiosity with impatience' my foot. Arggghhhhh."

"Shes gonna flip out. Thanks Bella."

"Shut up, Uncle Thee! You tricked me!"

"Well, you got tricked so its not entirely my fault."

"Whatever. Im not talking to you."

"But Bella-"

"No buts."

"okay, jeez. No wonder you and weirdo got along very well."


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