AuThOr'S NoTe

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You don't really have to read this but it will mean a lot to me if you do. Yeah Imma cliché! Sue me... or don't... Okay, please don't.

Let the emotional shit begin

*Cue applause and drum roll*

Thank you...

This word is really unable to express the amount of gratitude I feel for all of you.

This the first ever book that I have completed. I don't care how crappy or badly written this book is because I enjoyed writing every bit of it. It will always be  very special to me. 

I don't really expect this book to reach heights because it is not meant too. This book was meant to teach me. She taught me a lot of things. I learned how bad I am at character development, how a story requires efforts to be kept alive and to be continued, how sometimes your reader's smile makes you feel more accomplished than your character's achievement, how a singular and solid pre-planned plot is very important for continuing a story, how a bunch of plots confuse the heck out of you, how hard aesthetics are to make, how hard it is to chose your cast, how crappy I am a as story writer, how I should just write poems and not stories, how precious those characters are to you, how attached you grow to that particular story, how the comments of your readers make you smile even though you have had a pathetic morning with mom's scolding as garnishing, how overwhelming the support of your readers can be.. There are so many things to list and I don't wanna keep going on about them coz let's be honest no one wants to know.

I have made numerous mistakes in the book and I have learned from them.

The journey of this book ends here and I am very happy that all of you became a part of this book willingly.

This is probably history's biggest Author's note.

I am so thankful to all those people who made an effort to read this mess of crap, for you support, your comments, your votes, you!

I am mentioning few of my very faithful readers but this does not mean that I am any less thankful to all of you who were a part of my journey!

So thank you my gurls!






Lastly, SpongeBob rocks!

Also! I realzed that the word Author has 'THOR' in it!

And I also realised that I am super lame and I have no life whatsoever!

*Hands you candies and cookies for reading the book*

Love yaa


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